V: The Task

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I gave him a name. Why did I do that?!

No Alexa... remember Master Haru's advice.

"Study your enemy, and know his weaknesses."

For one, he was an enigma. He appeared out of nowhere and became a well received person. But I think he may have used the darkness to manipulate their hearts and minds.

No normal person would ever have yellow eyes like that and act like its normal. But I saw his face full of genuine innocence. Or maybe he was just a good actor.

But I saw how his motives really were, he can be obnoxious, but he was still a kind person. But why do I get the feeling that he's hiding something.

Akihito... I hope you're someone who I can trust.

We've arrived at our destination, a resplendent land of verdant tropics and the scent of the sea brings in new hope and sings a melody of light. We arrived in the Destiny Islands.

The whole class was excited to take the plunge in the cool water, and that the teachers were all carefree as well. But I couldn't relax... I was here on a mission.

A few months ago

My keyblade training was going smoothly. Ever since Master Yen Sid transferred me to the care of an ancient Keyblade Master, it was going well. Master Haru and his five other companions were kind and thoughtful. And they look like they were really experienced. The five went on to investigate the Future Scala ad Caelum.

Master Haru was all about using my keyblade the right way. Since my Keyblade, Dream Skies, is slender like a rapier, he told me to use it as such. Parrying and thrusting, he was great at teaching physical hits.

The only downside was he sucked at teaching Magic.

"Thunder is like Ka-Bam! and Blizzard is usually whoosh!!"

Like... What? Even Master Haru has a difficult side.

"Sorry, I'm not well versed in Magic."

Yeah... I noticed.

"But how come you could use Magic like Thundaga, Blizzaga, and Firaga?"

His face stiffened and he just sighs.

"Master Balmung, my teacher, he was more on might than magic. But I'll admit, I was fascinated by magic, and at one point I practiced it, with my brother."

"Sounds like you were close."

"Not really... I could count with one hand the number of times we spent time together. But he... He would just smile. He would always say something like he loved that I find time to talk to him."

"Seems like he was fond of you."

"He was... Even though people back home treated him differently, he would smile back at me like it was nothing."

"Something happened?"

"... He fell to the darkness. And I had to erase him."

He... erased his own brother? Just how extreme were the old Keyblade warriors?

"I should probably tell you this, we have this new kid. He has yellow eyes so I'm keeping a close watch on him."

He gave me a look of shock.

"You're stalking him?"

"I'm not stalking him! My point is... I think that guy is a person possessed by the darkness."

"Do you have his name?"

"Yeah, he just goes by Akihito. He has dark brown hair, and yellow eyes. Oh and he has a scar on his face."

Master Haru's expression stiffened. I saw the look on his eyes, they belong to someone who couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Akihito? Is his last name Maxwell?"

"Actually... No, when he introduced himself he just called himself Akihito."

"Alexa... You have to keep a close watch on him."

"Huh?! Why all of a sudden?"

"I'm just going to make sure of something. But keep your eyes on him. If he is someone who I think it is, then everyone at your school and Twilight Town could be in danger."

After that conversation with Master Haru, he disappeared for months, and now, as the night eclipses the beach. I watched from the sand as Akihito Mathis suddenly summoned a Keyblade, protecting me from a Heartless that appeared out of nowhere.

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