VI: Defiance of Fate pt.1

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That night was eventful to say the least. The moon was full and makes for a more romantic scene. Everyone was at the bonfire, singing some ditty about not setting someone's pants on fire or something. I wasn't paying attention. But I did looked at Akihito, he was singing along even though he was tone-deaf. Seeing him all smiling and laughing with the rest of the class, it was... tranquil.

When everyone was sleepy, he stayed behind to watch the Moon while listening to the waves.

"You're gonna catch a cold if you stayed behind wearing nothing but your shorts and a beach jacket." I told him.

He looked up and grinned at me, I could feel my face getting hot. Seeing him smile like that.

"Care to join me princess?" He asked and he scooched over to make room and I sat down and we watched the stars together.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" He asked. Even with his unnatural yellow eyes, he looked good.

I slapped myself and he was startled.

Don't think like that Alexa. Resist the urge.

"You like me, don't you?"

The audacity!!!

"Don't worry Princess, your secret is safe with me." He said with a smug look on his face.

"I'm gonna throw you to the ocean if you don't cut it out." I threatened.

"I don't doubt you can." He said and he lays back on the cool sand.

"Hey... Can I ask you something?" He spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"No." I said, I'm not biting this time Akihito.

"Where'd you go after doing that teleporting thing on the start of class?"

I looked at him with the utmost shock on my face.

"Y-you saw that?!" I exclaimed.

"You weren't even hiding it."

I couldn't believe it... It had to be him. Is this Karma?

"Like I said... I'll keep your secret."


"And can ask a favor?"

"Let me talk first."

"Not until you hear my favor."

Audacious, check. Tactless, check. Bossy, check. This guy's officially the first person to tick me off.

"Okay... What?" Thankfully, I have maxed out patience. But he is really testing it.

"Can you stop being so formal? It feels like our friendship is still on the Acquaintance level."

"And how can I mediate that? We rarely talk outside of class, and you're really overbearing when it comes to school work."

"Call me Aki instead." He smiled, and I just stared at him.

"You want me to do what?"

"Call me Aki."

"A... Aki... hito."

"You'll get it eventually." He smirked as he dusted the sand of his butt.

"I'm heading back, you coming with?"

"No... I'll be hanging back for a bit."

As he left, I watched the night sky, and I spotted a shooting star and I immediately wished for something.

The thing about wishes, they sometimes come true without warning.

I felt a sudden tension. Darkness...

I look behind me and an Invisible appeared so suddenly.

"A Heartless?! Here?!"

There was no Heartless sigil on it... Which meant it was a pureblood, one that came from the realm of darkness.

"This might be a good practice session." I said and summoned my keyblade.

The fight was hectic to say the least. A pureblood heartless was nothing like their emblemed counterparts. And it felt like it had tons of experience fighting keyblade wielders.

I made a rookie mistake of mistiming blocking its attack, and I was sent skidding through the sand.

It was about to finish me off when an iceberg decided to fall from the sky. The Invisible retreated and out of nowhere, a silver flash of a keyblade destroyed it, and standing before me, his yellow eyes flashing with concern. Akihito Mathis approached me.

"You okay princess?"

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