The new one 🎀[O SH]

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You walked in your dance class room, and sat down on the floor,starting to stretch.

Later on, your classmates started to enter the room and started stretching too.

As time passed by, your teacher entered with a boy beside her that looked down shyly.

,, This is Shotaro, he'll be joining our crew now. Be nice to him or else you know what'll happen." your teacher said with a smile, whispering to Shotaro who started to speak shyly ,, uh, hello, my name is Osaki Shotaro... i'm 21 years old and.. I'm from Japan." he spoke, trying not to do mistakes.

Your teacher smiled at him and he went to the back of the room, and sat down. Your teacher said she had to go to her office real quick,so ya'll nodded and did your business.

You decided to go to Shotaro,since you felt bad for him,that no one of your class went up to him yet.

You crouched down infront the stretching boy, and introduced yourself to him in kinda broken Japanese ,, Hello, i'm y/n. Welcome to our crew" you smiled at him as he looked up at you.

,, y-you can speak Japanese?" he asked. You smiled and nod at him.

,, Can I speak to you in Japanese?" he asked shyly.

,, ofcourse you can Shotaro" you said in Japanese.

Later your teacher came back, saying she had to leave but you all could practice here a little bit.

You sat beside Shotaro and translated it for him, knowing he tried his best but couldn't understand all of what your teacher said.

,, should we dance a little?" he asked as he stood up and reached his and out for you to take.

you gladly took it and you walked over to the big music box, connecting your phone with it and started playing some music.

You went back to Shotaro and started to dance.

After several hours you both went out of the room laughing, you both walked through the lounge,and then outside.

You both stood infront the dance studio, as Shotaro looked down with a small blush. ,, C-can i have your number please?"

,, Sure!" you said and took his phone and put in your number.

After that you both went parted ways way back home.


Shotaro is such a cutie-

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