Chapter 15

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Hey guys so a little update about Parth's new show. There is a girl Rowhi in that show who first made a video with Parfh and posted it on story in which she told him to kiss her but he was shocked and from there people mentioned her a lot to say that don't do stuff like this and they made videos on it too. So after that now she make all videos and reels with him like that so that may be just to troll people start giving engagement to her account cause this is one of their task to increase their engagement.

So just don't give her engagement just keep chanting Navya's mantra "IGNORE SWAAHAAA". Waisy bhi it's not like Parth kissed her and all he is just tolerating her cause he has to win this competition and he still has to stay in that house for 11 more days so relax and ignore her.

Other thing when other accounts tag his new account in comment section no one said them anything but when we do our fandom is like don't tag him and all , but the thing is we always stop someone only whom we like whom we consider our dear one and about whom we know that they will listen us.

Other thing those people are doing this so that Parth don't forget their couple and about MANAN PANI we don't need to remind him because every day he is giving us us stuff related to MANAN , PANI and KYY. Before people used to say that PANI PARALLELS happen because they do it deliberately after watching each other's posts but now what do you wanna say. Niti don't know about his new account and he can't open her account still they are giving us parallels isn't this heart to heart connection?

I have posted Manan ff JUNOON vm on my account 'mananxeternity'. Do check that out.

Let's start


Manik was drinking water and was looking at her face that was changing colours.

"Who send you these white flowers?" When he said in cold voice she raised her head.

The face on which few moments ago there was warn and loving ness was now replaced by strict ness and strangeness.

"D....D.....don't know."

"And how he got to know that we are in restaurant?" He said in struct voice. She was looking at him with empty eyes. She doesn't have any answer.

"Show me!" He forwarded his hand and now Nandini doesn't have any other option. With shivering hands she forwarded that paper to Manik.

As he was reading the content on the paper , cresses were formed on his forehead. He clenched his jaws and clenched his fist.

"On whom's car you have come Taqsam?" He looked at her in such a way that she knew that he is traditional man. Like Bry appa , appa and Abhimanyu.

"Ac......actually I thought that's your car and he is your driver. I thought you have sent that driver."

"My driver? When did you see a driver with me?" He said while twisting that paper in his fist angrily.

"I thought , and he said , he said your name so........."

"He said that I have sent him to receive you?" He said straight forwardly.


"Means no. He hadn't said that who has sent him still you sat in his car? Nandini! How could you sit in anyone's car like that?"

"I said na I thought it's your car." Being powerless now she started getting angry. Though she was innocent still she was feeling like a criminal.

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