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Theo didn't want to look at her.

He genuinely didn't. 

Whenever he did, some weird feeling appeared on his guts, stirring them and making a whole mess out of them, and he hated it. Just as much as he hated her.

There was not such a single thing in Marlena di Luca that Theo could ever like - he didn't like her arrogance, he didn't like how she felt superior to everyone and how she thought of herself as some kind of goddess just because all Hogwarts - except him, obviously - wanted to get inside her pants, he hated how witty and sarcastic she could be because that was exactly one of his main traits and he absolutely hated the fact that she was one of his best friend's best friends. He despised her short wavy black hair, and her eyes with heterochromia - one green and the other one brown -. Of course, she has to be some kind of alien, Theo thought, There's no other fucking way this woman exists unless she's a bloody alien.

But even though he did not want to look at Marlena, there he was, staring at her sitting across the Hall, with his best friend ranting in front of him about her crush on certain ginger he also hated and making Theo feel bad for not paying Willow the attention she deserved.

Bloody hell.

Marlena didn't feel any different. She thought of Theo as some kind of snob Slytherin who wanted to prove himself as not one of the bad ones just to have attention and praise. She thought he was annoying, too sarcastic, rude, exasperating, frustrating, incredibly tiring, pretentious, selfish, arrogant...and many other negative traits that she would have mentioned if she wasn't too busy feeling disgusted at the awful pasta they served in the Hall and giving quick and discreet glimpses at Willow's table were that prick was sat in front of her best friend.

She hated him.

All of him. There wasn't one single thing of him she considered attractive; not even those green eyes that carried that sarcastic mischief that seemed so tempting, nor his strong arms, nor his natural elegance...not how the light reflected in his look making it seem as if the moon was in his eyes.

No, not even that.

If Theo wasn't Theo, Marlena would have considered him funny...maybe even attractive. If Marlena wasn't Marlena, Theo would have considered her perfect for him...maybe even tolerable.

They were a Gryffindor girl and a Slytherin boy - so similar they were almost two faces of the same coin. 

And it was precisely in that similarity where the origin of their hate for each other laid. They were so equal they couldn't help but hate it.

"Are you ready for the Slytherin party?" Willow asked Theo, making him go out of his reverie.


"The Slytherin party, mate. It's tonight, you forgot?" she explained, "I talked with George about it yesterday."

Theo rolled his eyes, holding back from smiling. Any other person would have considered Willow's crush on George Weasley too overwhelming for any friends of her, but for Theo, who considered her more his sister than his friend, watching how much she was in love with that ginger resulted interesting and, in some sort of way, cute. He adored Willow's innocence and naivety, and that talent she had for loving that ginger till the core, how she didn't care if he loved her back or not because she had enough love inside her body for the two of them.

He genuinely admired her, although he wouldn't say it out loud.

It's not that Willow would have judged him, there's nothing Willow would judge of him, but after having a childhood full of trauma, violence, torture and loneliness it was clear that Theo wasn't the best one at expressing his feelings. That's why it fascinated him so much Willow's capacity for love. Because he had never experienced such a feeling unless he counted how much he adored his sister, and because Theo knew he had a heart, somewhere hidden and dug inside his chest, but it had never beaten romantically for someone.

He was really special in that way - because he had never wanted to use women nor give them hope to have something more with him rather than a nightstand full of good sex, he tried not to have many sexual encounters. He rathered have them with people he knew he could more or less trust, than letting himself free and end up hurting someone's heart. He didn't consider himself some kind of Adonis, in fact, he despised that sort of bloke, but he did receive attention from people, and he wasn't that bad for a seventeen-year-old boy who had spent more than half of his life being private from basic cares and love and for someone who had been destroying his lungs with cigarettes since he was 13.

He would never admit out loud he was kind of insecure, though.

Theo loved himself too much to admit he hated himself.

"It's gonna be bloody amazing," Theo said, putting his eyes back on his cereal. "And you, my dear Willow, you will end up with certain ginger drooling for you and trying to convince himself he doesn't feel anything for you even though we both know he wanks at the thought of your thighs."

Willow snorted.

"He doesn't do that."

"Keep telling yourself that," Theo replied, putting a chip inside his mouth. He didn't actually know if Weasley had any kind of romantic feeling for his best friend, but for Willow's heart's sake, he wanted to believe he did. "Wanna see his reaction to you at the party tonight."

"As if!" 

"Just wait for it," he simply said, unable to hold himself back from putting his eyes again on Marlena, as discreetly as he could. "Is di Luca still behaving weirdly?"

"Not with me, she apologised-"

"As she fucking should," Theo interrupted her. He didn't know what the fuck had happened for Marlena to act around as if she was a fucking ghost, but he really wish he did. "Is she coming to the party?"

"Don't think so," Willow sighed, putting aside her plate with still some chips on it, "She still doesn't feel completely alright."

"Well, I would advise getting so drunk you don't remember your problems anymore. That's what I mostly do-"

"Wrongly," Willow pointed out, sarcastic.

"In your opinion," Theo continued, giving a sip to his tea, "But I'm not her friend so no Theo-advise for her."

Willow snorted.

"Why do you hate her so much, mate? You both behave with each other as if you were declared enemies and I still don't understand why."

"I don't hate her," Theo smirked.

I do, he thought.

"She doesn't matter that much to me to earn my hate. It's just that I think she's an arrogant bitch and that has always been my role. I'm the best at it, I don't want any fucking competition."

I do fucking hate her for making me feel like this, he repeated in his mind.

"If you say so..."

"Of course I do."

"Well, mate, forgive me but, in most books, people who start up hating each other end updating so I wouldn't be that surprised if you ever tell me you fancy her."

Theo snorted, rolling his eyes.

"You read too much," he replicated. "Never gonna happen."

"You can't say that."

"I'm pretty sure I just said it."

"Well, the universe will speak, mate," Willow smirked.

"The universe can suck my dick and lick my balls, all at once," Theo winked at his best friend, making her chuckle.

Theo's eyes focused again on Marlena but this time hers were on him as well. She looked at him with unexpressive eyes that she then narrowed in an attempt of intimidating him in that war of looks. Theo arched his eyebrow, he wasn't intending to lose it.

He saw how she snorted, shaking her head and paying attention again to whatever Angelina Johnson was telling her, giving a sip to her coffee since Marlena was too Marlena to drink tea as the rest of them.

Theo huffed.

Fucking too-pretty idiot.

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