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Theo leaned back against the wall as he drank his shot and left it somewhere on the table, with his eyes covering from up to down the Chamber of Secrets, full of the people who had come to the Slytherin party, looking for someone in specific.

He huffed, quite annoyed.

Blaise was talking with Willow, probably complimenting her for the clothes she was wearing and internally drooling for her, nothing new Theo didn't know about. George was in the other corner of the room, observing Willow eagerly and Theo had to hold back himself not to snort. It was really ironic to him that his best friend didn't notice how her crush looked at her. 

With the curiosity burning in the depth of his guts, Theo approached Willow, taking her to dance with him. He wanted to use that chance to ask her where Marlena was because even if he didn't want to pay attention to her nor let her crawl up to his mind more than she had already done, he still couldn't avoid the curiosity that her absence provoked him.

Willow giggled in between his arms as the music sounded all over the chamber.

"Hasn't your dear Di Luca come to the party?" Theo pretended to scoff in her ear, trying not to look as interested as he actually was.

"No," she simply said.

Theo couldn't control the question that came out of his mouth.

"And why is so?"

"She is a bit downcast."

What the fuck? Theo thought. 

"Really? Where is she?"

He wanted to slap himself, why did he care so much?

"I think she was going to wander a bit out of the common room, why?" Willow looked at him, perplexed.

Theo had to improvise about his sudden curiosity about Lena, not wanting anyone, not even Willow, to suspect he cared about her way more than what he wanted to admit.

"How much we bet I'm able to drag her here?" he said, with a devilish smile.

Willow huffed, "Good luck. She's almost as stubborn as you."

"Good luck is what you are going to need," he said spinning her around and leaving a kiss on her forehead when she complained. Then, he simply started moving to the Chamber's exit.

Surrounding by all the crowd, he asked himself again what the fuck he was doing, he even told himself to go back and pretend nothing had happened, keep drinking with Draco and maybe even kissing someone, he didn't even care who, but his mind had no longer control over his body and he surprised himself already walking down the corridors, looking for the Italian girl.

Marlena was calmly smoking a cigarette in the empty garden, completely alone and observing the full moon over her. She was okay with being alone, living in a family in which outward appearance was crucial had made her be used to it, especially when the Di Luca manor was so huge, you rarely see someone else other than yourself and the people working there.

She was tired, annoyed and frustrated. She hated to think she had disappointed her dad, he was maybe even more important to her than her mother and her brother, and she had always done the most and even further than that only to please him...but this was too much. She couldn't change who she was, she didn't want to whatsoever, so knowing he was disappointed in her about something that was part of her annoyed her and saddened her.

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