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Marlena's day had been quite normal. She almost arrived late at Transfigurations, she had skipped Snape's class, she had received some sexual propositions in obscene ways from her classmates that she ignored and she had had a couple of cigarettes with Angie and Katie, admiring what a good couple they made and how much she craved a relationship in where someone loved her so deeply.

She was now resting a little bit near the lake, walking and thinking about her life - she loved spending time with her friends but she absolutely adored those moments in which she was alone with her thoughts, - feeling the fresh wind in her face and December was making a strong entrance the days before leaving back home for Christmas.

But she felt a current in her spine, that had nothing to do with the cold, when she noticed someone familiar sitting in front of the lake. She didn't know why fate seemed to insist on putting Theo in her life and her mind. They were too different - that was something Marlena constantly repeated to herself.

Marlena didn't even notice when she started walking in his direction. But, somehow, it felt right.

"Are you following me, Nott?" she asked with a certain scoff in her voice.

"Is not me the one approaching you, is it?" he smirks. "I'm always here, smoking with Willow."

Lena huffed, she didn't want to be there but at the same time, she didn't want to leave.

"Why do you look so miserable anyway?" she pointed out at the pale face Theo had.

He looked at her with irony. She didn't tell him what had happened to her weeks ago in their encounter during the Slytherin party, why would he say anything?

But he found himself answering even before thinking;

"Mrs Adelaide Victoria Agatha Nott has formally invited me to spend Christmas with her," Theo said, pretending a solemn tone as he rolled his eyes.


"My aunt. An old woman with the same views as the bastard of my father whom I can't refuse her invitation because she's my legal tutor," he explained, playing with some of the strands from the grass in front of him.

"Well, she's your family, isn't she?" Lena replied.

Theo snorted.

"I still hate her. Family sometimes are the worst of our enemies, Di Luca. And, to be honest, I don't fancy so much the idea of being shown off through the pureblood society and hear a woman saying how disappointed she is of me for not being a fucking blood supremacist."

Lena had never stopped to consider the fact that Theo might have had a tough life back at home just like her, even when his situation could have been declared as way worse than hers. She couldn't help but look at him, curiously, and - as much as it pained her in the depths of her guts -  even being with a serious and kinda sad expression, Theo looked still quite handsome to Lena's eyes.

Nott's lips curled into a smirk as he looked for his pack of cigarettes, took one out and put it in his mouth, lightening up with precision as he let the smoke out slowly. All under Lena's mesmerizing stare.

"You are gonna wear me away if you keep staring at me so eagerly, Marlena," he teased, standing up from the ground so he could look at her.

Lena felt intimidated, Theo felt weirdly attracted.

"I wasn't staring at you," she snapped.

"Of course you were."

"In your dreams," she rolled her eyes.

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