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I'm walking down 3rd street. I live in this street. I walk across the bridge and see people walking towards me from the opposite end of the corner. They are following me. I walk two blocks and I can hear their foot steps behind me from my one free ear, the other filled with music from a YouTube torrent. I keep walking. I react my destination, the liquor store down the street. I walk in and grab my ice cream and coke. I hear a jingle. They must have caught up. I grab my bag and run threw the back. I shove a rack in their way to hold them off for a second so I can make my escape. I run threw the back. I reach the door. I open it and start to full out sprint when I run into a huge dude. I push away from him and try to run the other way but the person I was running from in the store is on the other side and I'm cornered. I finally look up into the huge dudes face and I see high cheek bones and bright blue eyes. He is smiling,
"Finally. I've been looking for 25 years and I've found you" his smile isn't creepy or homicidal. It's like he is seeing the sun come over the horizon. I haven't seen a face the beautiful since I last read a magazine which I can tell u is a long time ago. His voice is even more gorgeous. He has the thickest Scottish accent I've ever heard.
I felt his voice echoed in my soul and reminded of me of a lost life or something. He looked to be about 20 and that was pretty old to me 16 years. I wasn't small tho I was 6" and not thin. I wasn't someone you would expect I be cowering but here I was cornered by 2 guys and a girl. The girl was my size-ish and had dark brown hair like me but unlike me she had waist long hair, instead of my shoulder length curly as hell Bob. My hair always seemed to make me look like a bobble head. The other guy had blonde hair but with a tint of red.

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