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There I was on the stupid pier hoping now rich yuppies would come down and start blabbering about how grapes are so organic and wine is orgasmic, UGH. I love the Napa valley and all the fresh air, but everywhere you turn you see a mother fucker in a stupid fanny pack and a completely pointless half hat, UGH ITS CLOUDY GET OVER YOURSELF.

at the moment it's a Sunday, I'm drinking coke and chewing spare mint gum and reading a witch book I'm obsessed with and wishing I had put on a thicker jacket.


I turn my head, I see small ripples, that's weird there are barely any fish in the Napa river, on account of the stupid green murky water and the pollution from a tannery a few generations ago. I continue on reading.


Wtf, twice as many slashes than I thought fish were in this dammed river.

I'm looking over my shoulder when I hear,


And then there were arms around my shoulders hoisting me up and away from the water. The arms that were tangled around me were thick and strong. He pulled me away from the watery patch on the dock. I turned my head and only saw a shoulder. He set me down and pushed me toward the dock ramp. I was too shaken to stop, so i ran up the ramp and turned around. He was right behind me. So close he ran into me, and his mass alone pushed me onto the ground.

He was leaning up above me when i saw his face. He had deep set eye, high cheek bones that jutted out from a long narrow face. His body was hovering over mine. He stood and reached out for my hand. i took it and in less then a second i was right back on my feet. He glanced back at their dock and at the damp pat where i had been sitting a minute before.

"what was that all about?" i asked as he propels me along the shop fronts heading toward the street.

"Sorry if i hurt you, you can't touch that water right now. We need to get you to the house." he said all this before walking toward a dark blue jeep cherokee. He opened the door and looked at me with his deep blue eyes. I stared right back at his, crossing my arms. we stared at each other for another moment.

"Did your parents teach you nothing?" I asked him. he kept staring. " You should never get in the car with a stranger." he laughed at me and waved his arm signaling my to get in the car. I didn't budge.

"You have wanderlust right?" my mouth fell open."your listening to music if you aren't talking or listening to someone. lizstomania." I was confused, how did he know these things? " You want adventure? Well here it is. free and waiting for you.i promise I'm not a rapist murder. I'm here to take you home. you can call your parents once you get in the car. But for now get in the car and come with me on an adventure." I looked at him and weighed my options. I had my spray can in my bag, so if he was a creepy i could sray him and tuck and roll, and if what he sadi was true mom and dad already knew somehow. How was i suppose to pass this up. Road trip with an extremely attractive guy one of my favorite cars. I stepped forward, the first step toward the adventure that would not only change my life but my adress, heart, soul, and love.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2015 ⏰

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