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I took  a drive, and this is what happens. I mean what the hell. What did i do to deserve such bad karma. I glanced over, over my huge mustard colored scarf and saw the hulking guy sitting next to me. His pony tail hanging over his shoulder and his piercing yellow eyes, like cat eyes, focused on the road we were driving down. He was possibly the most attractive thing i had ever seen in my entire life. He almost made up for all the shit i was in. Actually i'm was ahead of where you are. Ugh i hate retelling stories. Whatever.

So i was at home on a Friday night. Anthony called. Yeah he was my older friend the guy that calls out to adventure and well lets just say always ends up at Walmart at midnight and ends up dropping me home disappointed and restless. I had gotten my permit a few months ago, but my parents knew i could drive well and lets just say i had the police under my thumb. My dad had been the most well known cop in town. All the deputies knew who i was ad if i was going somewhere that i probably had a reason. I was the only reason my mom, and little brother and sister were alive. There had been a fire at my house 2 years before. a very well known fire. It was suppose to have been the hottest fire in the bay area for 20 years. I was almost glad it had a rep, because if my dad was to have died in just another old fired it would be a bit less forgiving. But no my dad was the hero who had the hero daughter that saved not only herself but the rest of her fire, while her father had bravely gone into the next door neighbors house to save them, when their roof caved in and they had already gotten out. Everyone but my dad had survived, giving our family the hero statues in the whole bay area. No one pulled over the hero. Anyways now that back story is done, lets move on. 

I had gotten a call, from notorious let down Anthony. (Anthony was the gayest person anyone has ever met BTW). " Babes ! ARE YOU THERE?!!?!??! BABES I NEED YOU TO COME GET ME. I NEED A DESIGNATING DRIVER, HA HA I MEAN DESIGNATED. I'M THE DESIGNER I GUESS. BY CALLING AND I'M DESIGNATING YOU AS MY DESIGNATED DRIVER. OKAY ANY HOODOO CAN YOU COME GET ME?" I could barely hear him over the loud music and loud laughter and joking going on the background. I heard many things interrupting the call, like shouts of 'we're out of condoms' and 'no Anthony DON'T take another shot, but if your going to take it off this guys abs' that plus a lot of giggling. I had to go save my GBF. I mean what are shut-in-friends-desperate-for-adventure friends sitting home for if not to me a non-butty-call. I smiled to myself. My dad would like this call. He always did like trouble makers no matter how ridicious that sounds. Trouble makers were the guys who made people like my dad and i important and we always worked together. For every together person there is someone out there that is just gonna come along and take apart and you have to let them, or you'll never know how to put yourself back together.

I shoved my legs in my tight black jeans, leaving my huge fluffy grey/blue sweater on but throwing on my long thick mustard scarf around my neck. Sure it was no cape but it would have to do i said to myself, laughing. I shoved my way too old black converse on and grabbed my keys. I got in my brown Mercedes and started driving to where i knew the party would be, Browns valley. Yes if you know the napa valley at all you know this is weird. A party in browns valley, what it's such a quiet little place no place for a huge kegger for teenagers. Well let me spoil your idea of the area :] in the back where TOURIST never go because. . .  well tourist traps keep you busy, there are creeks. In these hidden places in the trees teenagers have been rigging electricity and speakers for decades and it's pretty perfect at this point. the sound echos down the creek so the cops could never find it and about 5 years they just stopped looking frankly. They knew nothing terrible was happening. Just a bunch  of teens blowing off steam. I had taken my dad to one of these parties and that was when the hunt stopped. He saw what went on and he thought it was okay that kids had a place they had developed and harbored in perfect silence. 

When i got there i parked a while away on a street that was against to the creek only a a 10 minute walk from the party place(code name: the cove). I walked down the street and walked threw a gap between the houses and went down into the creek . I heard the music the second i passed threw the tree line. The trees made the creek almost sound proof. I walked to where i knew the main tree was and climbed over the log that let out to a huge opening. It wasn't that big of a party. definitely a Napa High party though. I didn't see strippers which was a vintage trade mark and i didn't hear hard core techno and grease songs. so i knew it wasn't my school which was New tech. I walk threw walking thought the huge root that made littler areas to hang with little groups of friends. I found Anthony, with our little group of friends. Conner one of my better napa high (girl)friends (i'm gonna clarify now just in case you wear wondering. Super straight, but not homophobic). Mark, a guy i had met this year. He was a freshmen and super Scottish which made him cool enough to hang with the big kids. 

"okay so who needs a ride. i'm sober and i'm here to give anyone a safe ride home." i said to the group in large. i knew where they all live. almost all of them lived near by but i didn't want to risk them walking falling and dying. From behind me i felt hands wrap around my waist, i cringed and the familiar and creepy feeling of Tyler's arms.

"i'd like a ride home. I'd like to ride you all the way home." he said in a low slur in my hear i could smell the alcohol on his breath. I reached up, acting like i was going to caress his face but in fact grab big the back of his neck and shoving my hips back throwing him off his feet and all his weight onto my back and then using my leverage to throw him over my shoulder and over my head and onto the table in front of me. 

" you can ride that hangover all the way to the hospital, along with your broken arm." i said glaring at him. Anthony clapped along withe everyone. They all stood and we walked back to my car. The music was terrible but i was considering staying if it weren't for the creepy guy staring at my from the other side of the cove. We left and walked back up the creek and up thought the trees and between the houses, I was having difficulty keeping them all on their feet. Keeping 3 people who had just consumed what i guessed was about a bottle of vodka and orange juice, on their feet was a work out. I got them all in my car and the engine started when i saw the creepy guy come out between the houses a block behind us. I stepped on the gas and headed for my first stop. 

Once i had dropped everyone off except for Anthony. We drove around and talked, Anthony could be very deep while drunk. We messed around and then came the time when i only had enough gas to get home and then to college classes and back the next day. i dropped him off and headed home. 

My thoughts were all on the lyrics of the song i was listening to and not particularly on the guy following me. I decided to make a middle of the night trip to the ocean an hour away, but first i had to stop for gas. I drove down two more streets till i found a cheap gas station And pulled into a spot to get the gas necessary. I was standing there when i heard someone else pull into the gas station. It was 1:25 in the morning and i was not very keen on the idea of a creepy conversation this early. I pulled the hose out and closed up my car. I turned to get in my car when i saw the creepy guy from the cove.  He had thin blond hair cut into a buzz cut. I backed away and toward the other side of the car. 

At this point we were dancing around the car. I was trying to get in and drive away but i was behind the car and he was sitting on the hood. he could grab me if i made a jump or the door. I was trying to piece together a way around this, when i just decided to go for it. I made a jump for the door and almost made it but was grabbed at i was trying to sit down. I was thrown out against the pump. My head his the pump and it was about 2 seconds until i registered another person. He had punch the creep and was now picking me up. All i could see was dark hair and black spots and the bright florescent lights above me. The guys suddenly spoke, I didn't catch most of it but what i heard was.". . .safe now. . . taking you. . .house. . .safe. . .meet you family. . .call later" and then i lost my sight and it felt like i fell asleep. 

Day by Day What Ifsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن