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And their they stood. They looked like a gang of big Vikings come to kill me. But they all wore very kind smiles. the dark haired guy who had spoken reached for me. I flinched away from him.
"What do u want with me? Why are you here?" I asked backing farther against the wall.
He raised his hand showing he had nothing on him"you're in danger and we have come to take you to a safe place until we can find the threat and despise of it, we can't really tell u any more that that." he said looking sad he couldn't say more.
"What about my parents. my dad. An track my phone. he knows where I am. My mom is at home and will come looking for me if I don't come home." I said. hoping if they knew people were going to put up a fight looking for me, and would leave me alone.
" We have someone looking out for your mother but you are our priority. you need to come with us. if you would like we can contact your father. he will tell you to come with us." he said pulling out his phone. taping away and holding it out calling Jay. my dad. I held out my hand and took the phone careful not to touch him.
"Dad?"I asked as I heard someone pick up.
"HONEY, are you okay!?!?. Did they find you alright, i know u like I run out for ice cream right around now. Oh my lord glad your okay. You need to go with these people I will be there as soon as possible. just go and be safe. they are distant family friends. they will take care of you. please I have to go I'll see you as soon as I can." he said.
" uh...i..okay dad... I guess... are you sure?Love you too" I said and then I heard a loud smash bang and a startled scream and a thud. all the sudden the line went dead. No. no that was just ....... it wasn't like it was . . .It wasn't like my dad scream. . . That wasn't a gun shot. no no no dad NOOO NO NO NO NO

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