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"I have a son," he said to her. Luke waited for Rebecca's reaction but she didn't seem to have one. She was just as in shock as he was. There was going to be a lot of children in their future.

"You tell me this now?" Rebecca fumed. Shit, Luke thought. This was harder than he thought. He didn't want to drive Rebecca away; he loved her for heaven's sake! As Rebecca heaved, Luke tried to grab her hand but she pulled away.

"Give me some credit," Luke said, "I didn't exactly know until two days ago when his mother told me out of the blue!"

Rebecca grasped one of her wrists and rested her hands on her head as she stood up. She looked overwhelmed. Luke knew stress wasn't good for a pregnant lady nor a developing baby. The last thing he wanted was to be the reason her baby-their baby-had a difficult time growing.

"Why would she not tell you? Did she not have any faith that you would be a great dad? What's that saying about us?" Rebecca asked. She shut her eyes, stopping tears from coming down and Luke took this opportunity to hold her in his arms. She didn't fight it much to his surprise.

"I never loved her the way I love you. Rebecca listen to me," Luke said. He took Rebecca's hands apart and intertwined his fingers with hers. "I love you and I love our baby. I will be here the whole time, I promise you."

"And what about your other son? Gosh Luke, do you even know his name? Do you know anything about him? What kind of monster doesn't know his own son!" Rebecca cried.
"Don't," Luke snapped. The last thing he wanted was Rebecca telling him he was a monster. He knew what a monster was and that wasn't what he was trying to be. For goodness' sake, Luke didn't know he even had a child! How was it possible that Rebecca was making it sound like it was his fault he didn't know.

After a few deep breaths, Luke was calm again. He couldn't lose his temper when his girlfriend was pregnant. He wasn't going to do that. He wasn't like that.
"Enough about that. Tell me, how far along are you?" Luke asked.
"Seven weeks," Rebecca told him softly.
"When's your next check-up?"
"Next month, on the fourteenth."

Luke sighed. Next month was when the world tour was in full swing. He needed to skip out on a show or something to be with Rebecca. He was filled with empty promises now.

"You don't have to go," Rebecca said quickly. Luke was about to speak but she cut him off. "I know how busy you are."

The hardest part about this conversation with the love of his life was that she wasn't wrong. The father never really needed to be there but they were there for support. How would Luke support Rebecca all the way here when she was in Sydney? This was going to take a lot more than Luke had to offer.

"Any break that I have, I'll come see you. I promise you. Don't give up on me yet. I know the whole thing... with my son and stuff is a lot to handle but push that aside. You're the number one thing in my life right now and hell that isn't going to change," Luke said to Rebecca. He would trudge to the end of the world for this girl. Slowly as he thought about it, he was a bit ecstatic that she was bearing his child. Slowly, he was falling in love with the idea of holding a baby boy or girl in his arms as Rebecca sat next to him, tickling the beautiful creature they created. That baby growing in his girlfriend's stomach was Luke's. He couldn't make up for past time with Bryce but he start doing the right thing with Rebecca now.

"I love you Becc," Luke said, almost pleading that she didn't leave him. Was that even an option for her? It wasn't for him.

"I love you too," Rebecca cried. Tears eventually spilled from her eyes and Luke wiped them away, kissing her forehead. He loved her, oh gosh did he love her.

Luke's phone buzzed and he cursed under his breath as Rebecca sniggered. Somehow she must've found Luke's distress amusing. There was going to be a lot of that now that he had a son and another on the way.

Red Roses [Luke Hemmings]Where stories live. Discover now