3. The Rumor

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The next Monday I made my way to school in my dads old Vauxhall Calibra, blasting music out from the built-in stereo

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The next Monday I made my way to school in my dads old Vauxhall Calibra, blasting music out from the built-in stereo. The windows were down and the wind was blowing in my long black hair.

I had decided over the weekend, that I wasn't going to let anything effect me anymore.
I had also decided that I was going to dump Steve's sorry ass.
I was done with him treating me like shit. And what better place to dump him than at school, in front of people.

As I pulled into the car park and into a space, my favourite part of the song was playing:

Like Louie Armstrong, played the trumpet
I'll hit that bong and break you off something
Soon I got to get my props
Cops, come and try to snatch my crops
These pigs wanna blow my house down
Head underground to the next town
They get mad when they come to raid my pad
And I'm out in the nine-deuce Cad'

As I let the song play, I took a cigarette from the packet on the passenger seat, and lit it.
I took a few pulls before getting out of the car, finishing it just before I reached the school entrance. I could feel eyes on me the entire time, but like I said, I wasn't going to let anything effect me.

I walked through the halls, giving zero fucks about the assholes staring and whispering.
When I got to my locker, I heard footsteps stop behind me.
"Well hi there, psycho slut." The all too familiar voice of the bitch, Casey Becker. Unfortunately, Stu was dating her at the moment.
I rolled my eyes and finished getting a book out of my locker, before turning around.
"What do you want?" I say, not hiding my annoyance.
"Just wanted to know how you tricked Steve into fucking you. Especially after you killed your dad." She said, with an evil smirk on her smug face.
"What fucking shit are on about this time?"
"You and Steve. Doing the nasty." She said, clearly a bit jealous.
"We didn't do anything."
"Oh really? Well, that's not what he's saying." She smirked.
I'm gonna fucking kill him.
I shove past her, not hearing her swear at me as I make my way to find that good-for-nothing prick.

Just as I see him joking and laughing with some of his football friends, a warm hand covers my mouth and drags me into a cupboard. I scream a little and start hitting the person who grabbed me.
"Ow! El, stop! It's me!" I stop and look up, my green eyes meeting Billy's chocolate ones.
"Fuck! Billy, you fucking scared me!" I say, hitting him in the chest one last time. He laughs a little, before tilting his head to the side and stares at me intensely.
"Steve's saying you and him had sex." He says, a hint of annoyance in his face. I roll my eyes.
"Yeah I heard." I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Well? Did you?" He asks, eyeing me very carefully.
"Not exactly, no." I look down, tucking my hair behind my ear nervously. He was going to be royally pissed if he found out what he did to me.
"El? What did he do?" He says, lifting my chin up with his finger so I'm looking into his eyes.
Tears start to form.
Damn it! I said I wouldn't let it effect me.
I look away, as I try to compose myself.
"El?" His soft voice says.
That's when I can't hold it in anymore. Tears stream down my cheeks and I start to slide down the wall, hugging my knees as I reach the bottom.
Billy crouches down in front of me, putting his warm hands on my forearms and stroking them with his thumbs.
"Hey, look at me." He moves his hand to move my hair out of my face, before cupping my face in his soft hand.
I lean into his hand, closing my eyes, and tears still streaming down my face. I feel his chin rest on my knees and I open my eyes, finding his staring at me intently, but softly.
Then, as I think about all the things Steve and my dad have done to me, an overwhelming feeling of anger and rage hits me.
I stop crying, still staring directly into Billy's eyes, not blinking.
"I want him dead." I whisper.
He doesn't flinch, and just wipes away the last of my tears.

~ • ~

When I head to my class, everyone still stares at me. I ignore them and take a seat next to an empty space.
"Where's Sidney?" I ask Randy, who sits in front of me.
"You didn't hear? Her mom was brutally murdered last night." He says, almost excitedly, it's kinda fucked up.
My eyes widened, "shit!"

~ • ~

After my class, I go to find Steve again. This time, to break up with him.
As I approach him, his friends point to me, causing him to turn around to face me.
When I reach him and see his stupid smug face, all I want to do is punch him, but I try to hold back.
"Hey babe!" He smirks at me.
I glare at him, my nostril flaring.
"Fuck you! You pig! Seriously telling everyone we had sex, when we both know that wasn't the case!" I spit.
He leans closer to me.
"Who do you think people are gonna believe though? The star football player? Or some psycho that killed her dad?"
Fuck this.

I see red and punch him right in the nose. I hear a few gasps and "woah's".
"We're done!" I say, holding my now sore fist with my other hand.
His hands shoot up to his face, blood pouring out of his nose. He looks at his blood covered hand in shock then at me, anger flashing across his face.
"You fucking bitch!"
Just as he goes to lunge to strangle me, he gets punched again. This time by Billy, who turns to me.
"Come on. Let's get out of here." He grabs my hand and leads me quickly away from the crowd that's forming around Steve, and outside.

I walk over to my car to get a cigarette and light it. I offer one to Billy, and he accepts.
We sit on the bonnet of my car in silence. The only sound is our inhales and exhales.
"Were you serious about wanting him dead?" Billy asks, snapping me out of trance.
I look over to him, pausing for a second to think.
"Yeah." I say, looking into his eyes, unblinkingly.
He gets up and stands in front of me, looking deeply into my eyes. It was intense, and it made my heart rate quicken. He had always been my best friend, along with Stu, but there was also always some other feelings there that I had ignored.
It was getting hard to ignore those feelings now though.

He looked around to make sure no one was around before crashing his lips onto mine.
At first I was shocked, but then I started to kiss him back.
It felt good. Better than Steve, that's for sure.
He pulled away, resting his forehead on mine, biting his bottom lip.
"We better start planning then."
I smirked, before biting my own bottom lip.

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