8. The Curfew Party

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When everyone left school, Billy and I had decided to stay back and pay back Mr Himbry for threatening to expel me.

After making sure everyone was gone, Billy put on the ghost face costume again.
I knocked on Mr Himbry's office door, and quickly hid before he opened the door.
He called out, and then closed the door again.
I then snuck back and quickly knocked again, only just making it into my hiding spot before he opened the door again.
He then left the office this time, looking in the hallway to see if there was anyone around. Whilst he did that, Billy snuck into the office and hid behind the door.
I then saw Mr Himbry go back in, and after a couple of minutes, he closed the office door again.
I then heard him scream, to which I entered the room just as Billy was stabbing him. Mr Himbry looked at me, pure fear across his face. He fell to the ground and watched me walk over to him. He reached out to grab my leg, and I stepped back before he could, smiling down at him.
Billy and I then continued what we had started in the girls toilets earlier, on Mr Himbry's desk.

Later on, we met Stu at the video store, to pick out some videos to watch for tonight's curfew party that Stu was hosting.
When we got there I walked up to where Stu was talking to Randy, just when Randy says -
"There's always some stupid, bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend."
I scoff.
"That's the beauty of it all. Simplicity. Besides if it gets too complicated, you lose your target audience."
"Well, what's his reason?" Stu asks, motioning his head to Billy, who was now in the aisles behind Randy.
"Maybe Sydney wouldn't have sex with him."
Stu laughs, "what? She's saving herself for you?"
"Maybe. But now that Billy tried to mutilate her, do you think Sid will go out with me?" He says, looking like a puppy.
Stu laughs obnoxiously in his face, and I laugh at him.
"No, I don't, at all. No" Stu said, seriously.
"You know who I think it is? I think it's her father." I say, leaning in.
"Yeah, why can't they find her pops, man?" Stu chimes in.
"Because he's probably dead. His body will come popping up in the last reel somewhere. Eyes gouged out. Fingers cut off. Teeth knocked out." He's shouting now.
"See, the police are always off track with this shit. If they watched Prom Night, they'd save time." He shouts even louder, "there's a formula. A very simple formula. Everybody's a suspect."
Everyone stops what they're doing and stares at us, and Stu mimics that Randy's been smoking pot.
"I'm telling you, the dad's a red herring. It's Billy." He says as he turns and walks away, but not before Billy grabs him by the shirt and pulls him towards his face.
"How do we know you're not the killer? Huh? Huh?" He says, as Stu and I walk over to them, Stu leaning his arms on Randy's shoulders.
"Hi Billy." Randy says, nervously.
"Maybe your movie freaked mind lost it's reality button. You ever think of that?"
"You're absolutely right. I'm the first to admit it. If this were a scary movie, I'd be the prime suspect." Randy says, as I move closer to him.
"And what would be your motive?" I say, pulling a little at his earlobe.
He pulls away, and shrugs Stu's arms off his shoulders.
"It's the millennium. Motives are incidental."
"Millennium?" Billy says, looking from me, to Stu, and then back to Randy. "Millennium. I like that. That's good. Millennium. Good kid." He says, lightly slapping Randy's cheek, before walking away.
"Millennium. Good word, my man." Stu says.
"Now you're telling me that's not a killer?" Randy says, pointing at Billy.
I roll my eyes and walk off with Billy, Stu then following us out of the store, after paying for the videos.

Stu goes home, and Billy and I go back to my house.
After some hot, shower sex, I start getting ready for the curfew party whilst listening to The Tea Party, and smoking a joint.

As I'm sliding my checkered dress over my white T-shirt, Billy comes from behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, burying his face in my neck and kissing it.
"Mmm. Billy, we're going to be late." I say, before turning around to face him and kissing him.
"It's almost time, El. Soon, you'll be mine." He says.
"I already am yours, Billy."
"I know. You know what I mean though. I mean everyone will know that you're mine." He says, before kissing me deeply.

I finish getting ready, and leave a note for my mom, before getting in the car with Billy and driving to Stu's.
Billy stays hidden, and I get out and go inside. There's not many people there yet, but the music is blaring and people are in party mode.
"Ayyeee! El, please tell me you brought the good stuff with you?" Stu says, running up to me, putting his hands together as if he's praying. The other boys come up behind him, and I pull out a baggy of pot from one my pockets, dangling it in front of them.
They all cheer, and Stu picks me up over his shoulder, carrying me to the kitchen as the others follow.
Stu was always like a big brother to me, and I loved him as if he were my brother.
I roll up and then we all take turns smoking it.

After a while, we then get the beer out, and Stu gets a tube to pour the beer down into people's mouths. I go first, and then the boys follow, just as Sydney and Tatum walk in. I go into the living room and sit on one of the sofa's.
Everyone else then comes into the living room, Stu and Tatum sitting down on one side of me, whilst Sydney sits on the other side of me.
"How many Evil Dead?" Randy asks, some people say yes.
"How many Hellraiser?" Randy asks again, and some other people say yes, including myself - I love that movie. Pinhead is awesome.
Stu and Tatum are making out next to me.
"Hellraiser right here." Stu says pointing to himself.
"Terror Train. Prom Night. How come Jamie Lee Curtis is in all of these movies?" Sydney asks.
"She's the scream queen." Randy says, kneeling down next to Sydney and putting his hands together.
"With a set of lungs like that, she should be." Stu says.
"Tits. See?" Tatum says, rolling her eyes, just as the doorbell rings.
Stu gets up to get the door, falling down at the back of the sofa.
"Hey, Tate. Grab another beer, would ya?" He says, before running to the door.
"What am I? The beer wench?" Tatum says.
On the other side of me Randy is trying to flirt with Sydney, it's pathetic.
"You are not gonna believe who's here? It's that chick from Top Story." Stu says, running back into the living room.
Everyone almost swoons over her, Sydney and Tatum both get up, and I stay seated reading the backs of the videos. I see the Top Story woman, Gale Weathers, walk around to the front of the sofa, out of the corner of my eye. She walks over to the television, and it looks like she bends her knees a little in front of it, putting her hand behind her back.
What is she doing?
When her and Deputy Riley leave, I look at where she was and see a small camera.
I try to tell Stu, but he's busy talking to everyone. I know that Tatum is in the garage getting beers, which means Billy is in there too, about to kill her.
I make my way over to the door to the garage, careful not to be seen, just as I see someone in a ghost face costume walk into one of the other rooms.
I follow him in, just before he closes the door, silently. I creep up behind him, as he starts taking off the costume.
"Boo!" I say, grabbing his shoulders.
"Shit! El! You made me jump." He says, rolling his eyes, but smiling at me. He kisses me deeply, running his hands through my hair.
"We have a problem." I say, after pulling away.

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