9. The Death Party

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"Shit!" Billy says, "are you sure?"
"We're going to have to avoid the living room then."
I nod, as I hear people starting to leave.
"Gotta go." Billy says, kissing me on the lips again. "Go back to the living room, and act normal. If you can, try and let Stu know, okay?"
"Okay. Love you." I say
"I love you too." He says, kissing me again, before leaving the house to go around to the front.

When I leave the room, I walk into the hallway and see Billy at the door talking to Sydney and Stu. I carry on into the living room, not wanting to think about what's about to happen.
Randy then puts on the movie Halloween in the VCR, and we all sit watching it and drinking beer.
We get to the part of the movie where Bob leaves the bedroom, and then gets killed by Michael Myers.
"Aw man! The blood is all wrong! Why do they do that? It's too red."
"Wait! Here comes another." Randy says, "ooh! Ooh!"
"Yes! Yes!"
I'm sitting on the arm of the armchair that Stu's sitting on, and he's watching intensely. I still need to tell him about the camera.
"How can you watch this shit over and over?"
"Sh!" Randy says.
"I wanna see breasts. I wanna see Jamie Lee's breasts. When do we see Jamie's breasts?" Stu says. I roll my eyes.
"Breasts - not until Trading Places in '83. Jamie Lee was always the virgin in horror movies. She never showed her tits, 'till she went legits." Randy says.
"Couldn't afford a decent pair." Some judgey bitch says from the floor in-front of the armchair.
"What d'you say-" Randy said, offended. "That's why she always outsmarted the killer in the big chase scene. Only virgins can do that. Don't you know the rules?"
"What rules?" Stu asks.
Oh, Stu. You know the rules.
"You don't-" Randy slams his beer on the table and pauses the movie. "Jesus Christ! You don't know the rules?"
"Have an aneurism, why don't you." I say, rolling my eyes.
"There are certain rules that one must abide by in order to successfully survive a horror movie." Randy begins.
"For instance, number one, you can never have sex." Everyone boo's.
"Big no-no! Big no-no!" He says, as popcorn gets thrown at him.
"I'm a dead man." Stu says, sticking his tongue out like he always did.
"Sex equals death, okay? Number two, you can never drink or do drugs." We all cheer, taking a swig of our drinks, raising and clinking them.
"The sin factor. It's a sin, and it's an extension of number one. And number three, never ever, under any circumstances, say 'I'll be right back', 'cause you won't be back." Stu had gotten up from the chair at the point.
"I'm getting another beer, do you want one?" He asks Randy.
"Yeah, sure." Randy answers.
"I'll be right back." He says in fake horror, walking backwards.
"Oooo! See you push the laws, and you end up dead. Okay, I'll see you in the kitchen with knife." Randy says.
It's now that I get up and follow Stu to the garage to get beer.
"Stu, we have a problem." I say, closing the door behind me.
"What is it, El?" He says, turning around with some beers in his arms.
"That bitch, Gale Weathers put a camera underneath the tv in the living room. Billy said we need to steer clear of there later, okay?"
"Bitch!" He spits. "Yeah, fine. Let's head back in there."

After we come back, more people are leaving and Stu walks them out, as I take a seat back on the arm of the armchair.
"Look! Here comes the obligatory tit shot." Randy says. The boys get a excited, and the judgey bitch from before gets up and leaves.
"I'll leave you guys alone." She says.
Then the phone rings, and Randy gets up to get it.
"Hello? Yeah.. Holy shit." He turns around and puts the phone down.
"Listen up. The found principal Himbry dead. He was gutted and hung from the goalpost on the football field."
"What are we waiting for?" All the boys get up and run outside to go see it.
"Hey. Hey. Where are you guys going?" Randy says, flopping down onto the sofa.
"It was just getting to the good part." He says.
I stayed in the living room with Randy, making sure he stayed put, whilst Stu was going to go upstairs and pretend to kill Billy.

After about five or ten minutes I start to get bored, so I leave the living room and head upstairs, bumping into Stu dressed in the ghost face costume.
"Billy's in the bedroom." He says, before going to the living room.
I go into the bedroom, and find Billy sitting on the bed.
"So?" I say, not really wanting to know if he had sex with Sydney, but needing to so I knew if we could kill her.
He just nodded.
I looked down at the ground. I felt sick, and like my heart had jumped into my throat. He got up from the bed and walked over to me, cupping my face in his hands and lifting my head so I was looking at him.
"Remember, it was only so she can die, okay?" He says, pressing his forehead onto mine. I kiss him softly on the lips.
We hear Stu and Randy shouting outside and know it's almost time for the big reveal. Billy and I make our way to the stairs. He puts his arms around my shoulders to make it seem as if I'm helping him down the stairs. When we turn the corner to the top of the stairs, we see Sydney at the bottom by the front door.
"Sid." He says. He fake falls from me and down the stairs, and I run down after him, fake crying.
"Billy. Billy, are you okay?" She asks him. "You were dead."
"I'm like a stuck pig, but I'm alive." He says, out of breath.
Me and Sydney help him stand up, and he hobbles over to the front door to open it.
"We gotta get help."
"No, he's out there." Sydney says.
"No, give me the gun. Give me the gun. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." He says to Sydney, as she stands behind us, and Billy opens the door.
Randy bursts in.
"Please help me!" He says.
"Woah! Get in! Get in!" Billy says, shutting the door.
"Stu's flipped out. He's gone mad." Randy says.
"We all go a little mad sometimes." Billy says in a sexy sort of whisper, after locking the door. He points the gun at Randy and shoots him in the chest, causing him to fly back, breaking a table. Sydney runs to him.
"Anthony Perkins. Psycho." Billy says, smiling and scratching his head with the gun. I smile at him and lean my head on his shoulder, as he puts an arm around my shoulders, kissing my forehead.

~ • ~

To be continued...

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