Self-Love: 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'

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No one else's opinion matters as long as you know who you are. 

You are what you want to be, you make yourself what you want to be. You are responsible for yourself, your actions and how you present yourself. It all depends on you.

Your flaws are what defines you, your scars are what make you unique. Don't ever feel alienated and don't ever let anyone belittle you.  You are perfect.

You are beautiful, you are worthy.

You are the definition of the utmost perfection.

You need to understand the power you hold and never allow someone to walk all over you.

Take a minute to thank yourself...

Now continue your journey...

Your destination is moments away. 

Every day is a new day for you to embrace and appreciate yourself,

Thank your heart for keeping you alive,

Thank your mind for working,

Thank your body for protecting you and

Thank yourself for making it this far.

Instead of finding reassurance in others, look for it in yourself. No one can reassure you the way your own self can. Gather your courage and trust yourself to make suitable decisions.

In the end, all you have is yourself and that's enough, the moment you realise how valuable and priceless you are, will be the moment you truly admire and respect yourself.

You won't look for comfort in others, this very moment you will begin focusing on yourself and yourself only.

Be proud of who you are and what you have done because no one else knows how much you've struggled to survive.

Focus on yourself, focus on your health and focus on your progress. 

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