Life: 'What is the purpose of life?'

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Life becomes more tolerable when you go easy on yourself.

We all question what we did to deserve heartbreak, betrayal and loss.

Life is unpredictable & life is uncertain.

Anything can happen, therefore, cherish and value your loved ones and enjoy every minute of every day.

It's your life, make your own decisions whether they are right or wrong, make your mistakes because only then will you learn from them.

Appreciate everything you have in life, a lot of people aren't fortunate enough to have what you have.

Everything in life has a motive.

Everyone and everything you come across in your journey are placed there for a reason.

Life teaches you many lessons along the way, it's up to you to know, understand and learn from them.

Life is hard, there are good, bad and traumatizing moments, but what's a life worth living if everything was too easy.

The reward after a gruelling day is truly worth it.

It shows what a true warrior you are.

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