Love: 'No Limits.'

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What is love?

A powerful emotion that can melt the coldest hearts.

Love has many definitions and interpretations, but in reality, Love is what you want it to be.

The right person will bring the warmth your heart craves and the comfort your soul desires.

'He is your Solace & You are his Sanity.'

Not everyone is fortunate enough to receive pure love so value, respect and savour it whilst you have it.

We have all loved in some form or another, some receive it, whereas, some don't. Some misuse it and some misinterpret it. It's hard to believe that true love exists in this generation because of all the stories we hear and the betrayal we experience.

We all have judgement skills, we just need to utilise them properly, know when you're being loved and when you're being exploited.

Understand when you need to love and when you need to stop. We're humans, we make mistakes, we sometimes love those who aren't deserving and push away those who are worthy.

Love has no limits, however, know your limits.

Love yourself, your surroundings, the world, the universe, nature, your family and friends and everything that you find truly significant.

We expect so much from those we love and sadly, they end up disappointing us the most.

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