Words, Words & More Words: 'Endless Meanings.'

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You'll know what to do when the time is right. 

Deep inside you know what to do, but you're hesitant, perhaps, afraid of what the world might think. 

They say, 'God never gives you more than you can handle.'

In other words, you possess the capability to prevail over every problem, it just requires time, effort and most importantly hope

There comes a moment where you have to let go, sit back and allow things to unfold.

Those signs are there for a reason, the red flags are indicating the toxicity, ignorance isn't always bliss. You can see the damage it's doing. Whatever it may be, isn't worth the destruction of your mental and emotional peace. 

A harsh truth is that if you are gullible, this world will eat you up, don't be fooled by the facade it portrays. 

One's energy and vibe are enough to express their intentions towards you.

Time is going by, the world is evolving and it is time you do too. Change your mentality and change how you perceive the world.

Day by day humans develop and so should their mindsets, there is a lot mankind can do to improve themselves and their surroundings. Mankind has power and knowledge at their disposal to make the changes this world is desperately in need of. 

Society isn't what we want it to be and frankly, it will take eons to change it, eons that we do not have. So, instead of worrying about what society would say, go live your life to the fullest and do what you love. 

Life knows it's a matter of time before you can overcome all the difficulties.

Life and the universe have faith in you and so do I. 

Now is the time to take action, trust yourself in everything that you do, follow your heart and listen to your mind...

Your Life is in your hands. 

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