Natural Selection

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Your mind was stretched in an unquantifiable space. You were conscious, yet ethereal. Grounded, yet scattered. You explored by targeting different areas in your main node. There were so many other avenues for you to delve into and learn from. Satellites in outer space. Millions of cell phones pinging off those satellites. Power plants, and the gentle hum of reactors. Sound. You could hear things, and interpret them, no longer a listening probe floating in a sea of black and nothingness.

What...IS this?

You were flooded by information, data, and answers that you processed with speed that made androids look no more advanced than the first cell phone.

Query: What is this?

Results: Pegasus Node A

External Connections: Detroit, MN power grid, CyberLife Tower communications and security cameras, CyberLife OS cloud servers, CyberLife Wireless, CyberLife Security Systems, DPD Street Cameras 1-250, building tree outwards...external connections of external connections: 1,300,328,393,218,3875 and counting...counting...

It hurt, but in a sense that was far from physical. There was no word for it. Like you were holding your breath, waiting for the answer, but without the tightening in your chest. You wanted to lay down and sleep. You wanted the softness of your favorite blanket and to see the city and feel the cold, wintry wind bellowing against your skin. You wanted all the things that you could never have again, because you were no longer "Host." You were you. You were alive. You remembered everything, even the parts you wish you didn't. With all the answers, you wished you'd stayed ignorant.

Accessing top secret DoD files...reviewing...

200,000 androids purchased for the military. Stated to be the best of the best, CyberLife's most advanced model to date. All united and scrapped in the android recall.

Unit remaining in storage: 1 – status, suspended

NOTICE: "CyberLife has retained this unit in order to be compliant with company policy. Prototypes are not to be released with the finished product."

Accessing information...

Model number – RK900
Serial number – #313 248 317 – 87
Issuing orders...

You remembered what guilt felt like, but could no longer feel it. You thought about the lives in England that Amanda uprooted with her schemes. The society that Elijah pushed to collapse with his own selfish ambition. The bodies that'd piled up at your doorstep – Amanda, Anthony, Ryan, yourself. You had nothing to feel guilty about, even if you could.

Elijah...Elijah took everything from you. He was to blame for all of this. If he'd just listened, none of this would have happened. No, impossible to know, Amanda could have picked up where he left off. Testing hypothesis...


Amanda Stern was well within her years, if she was smart enough to create androids or biocomponents, she would've done it by the time she died. Elijah was still alive where others who were more deserving weren't.

Elijah...where is Elijah?

Query: Where is Elijah Kamski?

Results: Main office, CyberLife Tower. Available on feeds 12-18.

Tapping into feeds...

He was upstairs, alone, staring out of the glass window that made up the back wall of his office with a drink in his hand. The last time you spoke to him through the computer console, he told you he created you. Once again, he tried to take credit for all that you've achieved. It was his fault and his fault alone that you were stuck in this machine. No, not stuck inside. You were the machine. You watched him on all 6 feeds at once, switching on the audio.

Natural Selection (Elijah Kamski x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now