⚡ : Yeonjun's Secret

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The cloudy sky gives a white yet clear reflection to a water puddle of the previous rain. The familiar smell of autumn humidity is starting to make itself more obvious as time goes by, reminding me that I should take a raincoat at school tomorrow.

Walking back from the Heonbon building, I think of Beomgyu and Soobin. I really hope it works between them, oh the fun it would be to both have them as best friends...

Since Taehyung's graduation, I haven't had anyone to talk to. Nobody to rely on, and tell about what actually worries me. So I try to do that by text, but it's not the same. Hyung, I got a perfect grade on this exam. Hyung, I felt exhausted today. Hyung, can you help me, I don't know what to do. Hyung.

Kim Taehyung graduated from Heonbon All-boys school two years ago, and got accepted into a prestigious university. He's busy, but that's okay. He reads my messages at times. But it's not the same without him – I recall when he was by my side, sharing a pastry on an evening of early summer.

I get thrown back into reality once I reach the door. The wooden door that greets me whenever I come back from a hard day only unveils a harder evening. One breath. Two breaths. Three breaths. Open.


Greet, bow. Go to room. Put bag down. Sit on desk chair. Breathe. Breathe.

The screams of my parents resonate from behind the walls. Damn, we were just about to beat a seven day streak of no yelling.

It cost my parents everything to send me to Heonbon. The financial problem in our family has lasted... maybe nine years. I don't know the roots of it, but what I can say is that it's getting worse as time goes by.

They're married. But they're unhappy with each other. They're tired. And all I can do is stand in the middle as their good son, bringing good grades up every once in a while.

It's hell.

So, I try my best to help my friends. Making sure they have a good time. Being there as someone they can trust whenever something happens. Assuring they're happy at school, and that they bring this happiness home. It's how I live – and among all the people on this planet, only Taehyung knows.

Later, it'll be over. I'll get the grades I need, go to a decent uni, get a job, and run away from this hellhole. And maybe even... see Taehyung again.

But everything starts with something. In this case, homework. Hah.

I take out my books and my pencil case, reach for my earbuds to give myself some nice music while I work. But just as I open my workbook, something feels off. A few seconds are enough for me to realize... this is not my workbook. The tag says "Huening Kai" in neat and clean characters.

Strange. The only connection I have with Kai is the fact that him and I live just two houses apart. We don't really talk or see each other so often, in fact I don't know anything about the guy. How could this happen?

Before I can start searching for an answer, the doorbell rings. Damn, he's here already? I take off my buds and open my bedroom door, taking his book with me. My parents haven't stopped fighting, but at least they calmed down. I just really hope Kai won't notice.

"Son, get the doorbell."
"Someone's lazy."
"Shut the fuck up, asshole."

As I try to ignore what I heard, I walk to the entrance swiftly with Kai's book, and finally open the door.

"Hey Yeonjun! I think our workbooks were..."
"Hi, yeah, I know. Take this."

The sound of an object being thrown to the ground with a great force is heard, making Kai jump. I stay in place, but as I reach for my science workbook, I remember... this isn't a normal sound for other people. Neither are the muffled screams.

"Yeonjun, what-"
"Thanks, Kai," I say as I grab the knob to close the door and turn around.
"Wait, what was that? What's going on?" Kai says from the entrance, shocked from what I hear.

I don't think he said more. But either way, I wouldn't hear him more than my mother's exhausted cry.

I go back to my room and close the door tightly. Ahhhhhhhhh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. He knows. Kai knows something's wrong. Nobody was supposed to know. Nobody should've seen my weak point. I have to remain Yeonjun the hero who's had nothing wrong in his life.

With my body blocking the bedroom door, I start to hyperventilate. Tears start to form. I tremble and have trouble breathing.

But deep inside, hero Yeonjun is still there. He's standing, confused. He doesn't know what to do, but he knows he has to do something.

I then hear voices from behind the door.

"Lemme see before you go and scream again, lady."
The door opens.
"Hi, my name is Kai, can I go talk to my classmate?"

"Huh? Y-Yes, of course. You look very smart."
"Why would our son hang out with assholes anyway? HAH."

I then hear steps, coming closer and closer to my room. And, three clear knocks.

I take a shaky breath. "Kai... I'm sorry. You can't be here. You weren't... supposed to..."
"Yeonjun, please, just let me in."

Following his words, I step back from the door I was blocking and hesitantly open it. There, I see a Kai who is worried and concerned. It makes me feel so fucking ashamed.

Before I can explain anything, he comes in, closes the door, and hugs me. And it hits me in some way. Hard.

I've always been the guy who was there for people. But for the past two years, nobody was there for me.

Not even myself.

The Fake Soulmate [ 𝙏𝙓𝙏 𝙎𝙘𝙝𝙤𝙤𝙡 𝘼𝙐 ]Where stories live. Discover now