The start of a Superhero...

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Ned POV:

Peter and Keefe started to walk over to me. Keefe looked like he just revealed he biggest secret in the world and was happy about it and Peter looked like it was his secret that was revealed...Wait...

"He found out didn't he!!!" I screamed.

"Yes. And Ned, could you be a little more quiet about the hole secret identity stuff?"

"Oh. Sorry. Can he help with patrol tonight?!?" I asked excitedly.

"Yep," Keefe said, "He can."

I realized how we had been ignoring Keefe, "Sorry man, I just got excited."

"It's ok," Keefe said smirking (when is he not smirking?)

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Nobody's POV:

That night Keefe watched Ned work as the 'guy in the chair' and made some very "helpful" suggestions to Peter.

The next day at school was boring and nothing really happened...but it was Friday!

Over the weekend Peter told Ned that a new superhero would be helping them and Ned screamed in excitement. He did not even make the connection to Keefe. Ned was many things but street smart was not one of them.

Ned was left wondering what the superheroes name was because Peter would not, could not, tell.


Keefe's POV:

The next weekend the new superhero would be coming into the world. And now it was Friday, after school, and Keefe was in his old where house/ home repeatedly hitting his head against the smooth wall. He could not think up a superhero suit. He could not even think of a good name and he only had one more day for both.

He Heard a thud, not unlike the one he heard when he in countered Spider-Man.

Than Spider-Man fell through his ceiling.

"Oww," Peter said.

"PETER!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!"

"Keefe?" Peter questioned, "What's wrong?"

"My brain is not working. I can not even think of a superhero name!"

"You should do something related to your The Elf or Emotion Man!!!"

"Those are the worst names I have ever heard in my whole life."

They spent about a hour brain storming until they found the perfect name.

"Keefe what if your name is something that is important to you ?"

Than the idea came into Keefe's mind, " I have an IDEA!!!!" Then he took out a paper and started to draw.

When he was done he glued it to the wall with glitter glue and gave a presentation to Peter.

"So this is my suit. And up here," he said pointing to words at the top of the page," is my name! I am the Prankster!!! On the suit there is lots of pranking supplies hidden in secret pockets! Pranks will defeat bad guys!!!"

They got to work, and it turned out that Keefe could sew really well, so the suit was finished in no time.

"Keefe?" Peter asked, "Where did you get the money to buy this stuff?"

"People pay lots money if you do there homework for them," And that was all he said.

The suit, when it was finished, was amazing, in Keefe's opinion. It was mostly blue and green with pops of orange. The boots he wore with it were a rubber like substance, they were bulletproof, and fit his feet perfectly. The foot where also was perfect for fitting bad guys. He had a bulletproof vest sewn in to his shirt too. And it had lots of secret pockets!

He new he could improve on the suit but it would do its job, and still look cool, for a while.

Now he just had to wait for tomorrow, Saturday, to use his new identity.

*Claps for self* Finished!

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