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Its been awfully a slow update. I know. I am currently struggling but please..
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anything is appreciated. It will help me improve.
Thank you so much.
God bless.


I awakened to the warm glow of sunlight streaming through my window, finding an arm draped over me, gently holding me in place. Carefully, I shifted to face the peacefully sleeping Zayn. A smile formed on my lips as I admired his striking features. Despite being half asleep, my heart felt fully awake.

Zayn is undeniably handsome, with a charm that's the polar opposite of Liam's. Liam embodies the boy-next-door charm, a responsible gentleman with warm, brown eyes that crinkle when he smiles. complemented by his soft brown hair that I love to run my fingers through.

On the other hand, Zayn exudes a mysterious allure. With thick, attractive eyebrows framing his pointed nose, and a jawline so perfectly sculpted that it accentuates when he smiles. His deep, dark hazel eyes have the power to make any girl swoon.

He was my childhood crush, but his quiet and shy nature made it challenging to connect with him initially. However, over time, he gradually warmed up to me, quicker than anyone else. Sometimes I ponder if Zayn's aloofness hadn't been such a barrier, perhaps I would have fallen for him instead of Liam.

A heavy, hopeless sigh escapes my lips. I feel so pathetic. I have just broken up with Liam, and suddenly I feel all this emotions with Zayn.

I refuse to believe I'm so desperate as to jump from one boy to another. Besides, I'm aware that Zayn doesn't see me in that light. Even though the boys have expressed their love for me countless times, it's always been in a brother-sister manner, and I feel the same way.


"You know, it's rude to stare," he mumbled in a deep, raspy voice, snapping me out of my trance.

It was fortunate that he still had his eyes closed; otherwise, he would have noticed me blushing feverishly.

"how do you even know I was staring?"

He mumbled a few incoherent words, which I chose to disregard as I snuggled closer to his chest. We lingered in that position for a few more minutes, neither of us eager to get up. It's evident that Zayn and I share the trait of not being morning people. Personally, I tend to get feisty and cranky if I don't get enough sleep, making early mornings quite a challenge. I cherish my bed more than anything in the world. Perhaps even more than Liam...


Zayn stayed up so late for me, displaying a remarkable level of patience. With my eyes shut tight, a tear falls involuntarily, as if guided by its own will. In that moment, all the pain rushes back, engulfing me in a wave of numbness. The sense of loss, the emptiness—it's all so overwhelming.

"How many times do I have to bid him goodbye?

How many sleepless nights until the pain fades?

How many tears must I shed until they dry up?

How many times?"

"babe you're crying again?" Zayn murmured tugging me closer to him

"I love him so much," I whisper.

"Don't you think I know?" Zayn sighs, opening his eyes to meet mine.

"Remember how you asked me to stay beside you so you wouldn't have to go through this alone? Then why are you doing this?" Zayn's voice softens as he gently wipes away my tears with his thumb.

Love You / GoodbyeWhere stories live. Discover now