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"Liam! Aren't you going to swim?" Dani, who had been enjoying the pool with El, called out.

"Maybe later, sweetheart," Liam smiled, strolling to the edge of the pool.

"The water is nice," she added, this time addressing Zayn. Liam assisted her in sitting beside him.

Zayn, however, didn't seem to hear her as his attention was fixed on Harry and Hayden.

"I'm bored," Louis declared, swimming toward them.

El groaned at the realization that Louis, when bored, tended to engage in mischief. Moments later, Dani's squeal confirmed her suspicions. Louis had indeed concocted something interesting. He had pulled Dani's feet, causing her to slide into the water.

She could already picture Louis's playful grin as he executed his impromptu water escapade.

"Louis! Would you please be careful? Seriously Grow up!." Liam scolded him.

"Pfft." Louis huffed and swam to the opposite side eyeing Harry this time. playfully doing the same with him.



"LOUIS!" Harry screamed coming out from the other side.

"Run!" Niall yelled

Thus, they commenced their sprint, with Louis playfully hurling everyone into the pool.

"I'm gonna get you!" Harry warned


They were getting close to where Hayden is and she tried to get away from them. Sighing, Zayn stood up worried that she would get her hurt he decided to collect her from them but Harry already crashed into her and she stumbled in Zayn's muscular arms that quickly held her around the waist.

"S..Sorry." she gasped "Harry..." she stammered trying to explain, She could feel his hands against her bare skin making her blush for some unknown reason. Their faces were inches from each other and she could feel his breath mixing with hers. His eyes seemed to be smiling while staring at hers.

.......there goes her heart again, pounding outrageously within her chest

"FELICITY!" Harry hollered bringing them back to reality. He was already beside them but didn't notice it until now.

"Are you alright?" Zayn asked ignoring him.

"I'm fine..." she mumbled catching her breath.

"You can let her go now mate," Louis uttered making them both blush.

"Seriously, you two need to stop fooling around." Zayn scolded them diverting the attention away from them.

"Yeah, if she hits her head again she would be sleeping for another five years." Niall piped in.

"Idiot!" Harry exclaimed hitting the back of his head "Why don't you shut up and find something to eat."

"Are you hurt?" Liam asked with concern running towards them.

"Fee isn't but Harry is," Niall quipped.


"Told you to shut up," it was Harry shoving Niall in the pool but Louis who was beside him quickly hurled Harry in...again.

"Hahahaha," Louis erupted in fits of laughter.

"LOOUUUISSSSS!!!!" Harry wailed.

Zayn draw her away from them who went back to their horse-playing.

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