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Hayden gazed at her reflection in the mirror, her eyes tracing the contours of her face with a mix of excitement and nervousness. Today marked the beginning of a new chapter in her life, one she had been eagerly anticipating ever since she received the news of her acceptance into university.

Her hair cascaded in loose waves around her shoulders, framing her face with a soft, natural elegance. A hint of nervousness flickered in her eyes, but it was overshadowed by a radiant determination that shone through the depths of her gaze.

Every day, Hayden wrestled with the delicate tightrope walk with Liam. Despite her determined façade of nonchalance around Liam, her emotions often staged a revolt, exposing her to a torrent of memories she struggled to contain.

Despite her best efforts, there were moments when simply catching sight of him across the room would stir up a whirlwind of emotions within her. Tears would well up in her eyes without warning, catching her off guard. Sometimes she never realized that she was crying until Zayn wiped the tears from her eyes.

And as for Liam. she keenly aware that Liam grappled with similar inner turmoil. Every innocent conversation with him felt like navigating a minefield, each breath taken in his presence is a struggle. But no matter. she understood that she had made her choices and was resolved to face the consequences. and having Zayn beside her make it easier for her one way or another.

Zayn made it a point to be there for Hayden, accompanying her on weekend visits to her parents' resting place and offering his support whenever she needed it. He even took on the role as her driving instructor.

But due to the traumatic accident involving her parents, Hayden developed a deep-seated fear of driving, which caused her to fail her driving test twice. The anxiety and trauma associated with being behind the wheel were overwhelming, making it difficult for her to concentrate on the road. Memories of the accident resurfaced with each attempt, leaving her paralyzed with fear. Despite these setbacks, Zayn stood by her side, offering patient guidance and support as she worked to overcome her fear of driving.

Zayn leaned casually against the door frame of her room, a small smile playing on his lips. "You know, no matter how many times you look in the mirror, you still look the same," he remarked, his voice light.

"Z!" Hayden gasped in surprise, her breath catching as she turned to face him, a hint of his scent mingling with the morning breeze.

As if he couldn't charm her anymore, he walked—or at least she thought he strutted—towards her, stopping when he was only a few feet away. When their eyes locked, the butterflies in her stomach fluttered vigorously.

"You still look lovable," he whispered, gently tucking her hair behind her ears.

"Always a charmer, Z," she smiled, trying to hide the chills that ran up her spine.

Hayden blushed. Zayn thought she was lovable.

"Especially when you blush," he added, grinning.

She glared at him, trying to hide her embarrassment. After all, any girl would react the same way upon hearing a compliment from Zayn Malik, 


"Ready to go?" he chuckled.

"Do I have a choice?" she ridiculed, distracting herself from feeling any weirder around him.

Encircling her arms around his, they walked side by side out from her room to descend the staircase.

Unconsciously, her eyes roamed around the house, looking for someone in particular.

"He's not here," he told her timidly.

Embarrassed by being caught, she didn't protest, knowing it would only give her away even more. She remained silent until they reached his car outside, where he opened the door for her before taking the driver's side.

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