Chapter 33

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"Lou, you gotta tell me what's going on." Harry said frantically as he ran after the boy who sprinted back to the car. When they reached the car both men took a breather before one spoke. "Mom went to find me, the first place she is going to look is at Jack's. I need to get there before he can hurt her." He spoke, worried and anxious. 

"Okay, get in," The alpha responded, rounding the car as fast as he could and jumping into the driver's side. He checked that Louis had his seatbelt on before starting the car and leaving skid marks on the parking lot pavement. 

The car was silent excluding the faint hums of the low volume radio, the wind hitting the windshield, and the rumble of the engine. The scenery passed by in a blur and Louis' mind was running crazy. 

If his mom had left too long ago she could already be there and hurt. He really wished teleportation was a real thing. As the minutes passed Louis chewed his fingernails and bounced his leg. Harry was worried about his omega, not that he wasn't before, but now even more. He must be under so much stress and that was something Harry didn't want for him. The alpha just wanted Louis safe and happy and if that meant chasing down his family and protecting them, then so be it.

Harry reached for Louis' hand and rested their joined hands and the omega's lap, which seemed to stop him from chewing his nails. "I know you're scared and I'm not going to tell you not to be, but we have to be patient until we get there. There is nothing we can do to speed up this process, unless you wanna risk getting it slowed even more by a speeding ticket."

"I know, but I hate being so helpless all the time. It feels like everyone is always two steps ahead of me, it's exhausting." The omega whined, everything going on has been chipping away at his inner omega and it's restless. He could really use a drop, but he doesn't have time for that. 

"Would you be able to sleep at all?" Harry questioned, wanting to keep his omega healthy even in a tough situation. "I don't know," Louis whispered, physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted, but unable to close his eyes. "I don't think so," he added sadly.

"I'm sorry, baby." Harry said sympathetically, squeezing his hand softly. The conversation ends and leaves them as they were before, but with less finger chewing. Louis was silent as he watched the trees out of the window with a blank stare and Harry was silent as he focused on the road with a frown of concentration and furrowed brows. The trip seemed endless and the minutes seemed to pass by like days. 

Eventually they saw the welcome sign of Cheshire and the small houses appearing between the trees. Louis let out a sigh of relief, but he felt like he had nothing to be relieved about. He still had his mom and sisters to worry about, he was just closer to them now. 

Harry pulled up to his pack house, turned the car off and got out. Louis followed, kind of confused. The alpha had just got out and walked off towards the tree line. The omega soon realized that he was heading for Jack's and he ran to catch up with the long haired man. 

"Are you ready?" Harry asked, turning towards Louis with a concerned face.

"As ready as I'll ever be." he responded and shifted into his wolf with Harry following soon after. 

610 words.

I told myself I would write over fall break, and I did. On the last day at seven in the morning because I didn't sleep the night before.

I'm sorry it's short and probably not very good. I would say I'm trying to build up suspense for when he gets to Jack's, but I honestly habe no idea what's going to happen.

I hope everyone's doing good.

I hope you had/have a great day/night!

Thank you for reading!!!



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