The truth and Mr.Truffles

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It's been 5 days since Mae has met Val and so far after finding out some mind blowing revelations Mae concluded something that she would never even comprehend and that he was alien and there was something really fishy going on in the White House. Mae was good friends with Lillian who was a nurse for the president's wife and for not for long Val and Mamie the first lady's affair was brought to light.. Mae cringed at that and there was something in the corner of her heart that wished for her to know him more but, after finding out some disappointing truths it was better she kept quiet and moved on, knowing many had disappeared or died Mae's psyche felt that there was a grave danger of her or her dad being there and that she should leave and hopefully return when everything was alright again.
Mar knew her dad was having an affair with Frank but she chose to remain silent because she loved her dad and also other men didn't try to take advantage of her knowing she was with Frank. She hated knowing that Val was warm only in the outside when he certainly didn't have any feelings at all and who knew how these aliens were.
She was walking along the halls with a stack of papers when suddenly on her next turn she hit a familiar figure, Paper flew in all directions and as she slouched down to pick them up a familiar hand was there to help her.
"Miss Mae you're clearly very busy with your thoughts and you didn't notice me" "I know some facts are very hard to comprehend" the slick and cool Val on his knees slyly tells her ...Mae doesn't answer him "I'm sorry" she lets out ...Once again their hands touch and they both feel it.
His alien self couldn't even analyse what it was and he is almost startled as she is...She almost has a hazy recollection in her mind it's two figures on top of a rock at the edge of a valley,with fluorescent lights above them It's Val smiling now wearing a grey armoured suit she'd never seen before smiling as a tear leaves his eye while he descends upward..and they both smile.....
At present Val managed to read her mind and is in state of disarray... He sees her scared of him as ever and wants nothing to do with him ....
They both stare at each other for a moment as she snatches away the papers from his hands and leaves.

Val can't comprehend what he just saw he is too confused with it.. perhaps it's what they wanted and he steps away and leaves.

Mr Truffles isn't looking well he's not ever purring anymore but she can almost hear little growls as his entire body contorts. "Mae you better take him to the vet tomorrow or he's a goner "Emmet looks worriedly.. she's too scared of going near him.Dressed in her finest Emmet has quite a fancy event she has to attend to and goes looking for Mae in the kitchen..
Mae rummages for the last bit of milk or cat food but doesn't find any's too puzzling for her as she just got some the day before"Where's it all gone"Mae cries.."Just ask miss Stacy down the hall.She might have some Mae"Emmet says "Well I'll be going Mae and you better lock the doors I'm sure I'll be seeing you the morning"Emmet heads out and slams the door.

Mae can hear the deep growls in her room and heads out as well in search of some cat food.

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