Chapter 9

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It has been said that the sun will rise on the just and unjust alike. That it is not where the journey ends but the steps you took to get there. That the gun is loaded and the bullets are for free. No rest for the wicked as the hustle never ends. It takes two to tango. We as a species have millions of sayings to explain away our actions. Empty words in which we have strung together in an attempt to justify, mask and judge. Theories compiled into a collective melting pot of agreement in order to absolve ourselves. Heavy thought for so early I the morning.

With a moan I got out of bed, dressed and pulled my hair up into a pony. Walking out of my cell I crossed to the railing looking over the ledge below. My eye quickly scanning the people bellow. Instantly I picked out Maggie, Glenn and Daryl standing together drinking their morning coffee. Tyres and Sasha stood reading the board of what needed to be done today. I knew Carol would already be trying to get a head of the day and be in the kitchen making sure breakfast was ready to hit the table. Still searching I couldn't find Rick amongst the gathering crowd. My best guess was that in an attempt to avoid me Rick had decided to pull duty in one of the towers.

What a fucking self conceded asshole I thought to myself. I was here to help them. I didn't ask to come back they asked me too. I could have said no and remained where I was and my life would have been none the worse for ware. The very least and I mean the very least Rick could do was treat me with a sliver of decency. Was that asking to much? I for one didn't think so. Rick avoided me as if I had the plague unless he felt like demanding answers as if I owed him. What a fucking jerk off!

"You need to be in the council room in thirty minutes." The sound of Ricks voice coming from behind me nearly made me jump out of my skin. Startled I gasped for air as I spun around. Ricks cold eyes addressed me with anger as he leaned against the cell door beside mine. "If you haven't ate breakfast yet you might want to get a move on."

Pushing off the door frame Rick completely dismissed me as he walked bye. My eyes fixated on him as he walked down the stairs and eventually to where the others were. Stepping back from the railing I hedged towards the cell Rick had appeared from. Before I had left the last time Rick and Lori had moved into one of the bigger cells which was in the bottom level so what was he doing in this one. I could hear the sound of someone's shoes clinging on the grates as they walked up the stairs so I just glanced, well, snooped quickly. All I could see was that the bed had been slept in and there was a pile of clothes in the corner.

The sound of the footsteps was near the top now. I drug my curious eyes from the room and turned walking away. With any luck it would look as if I was just coming from my room. Trying not to act guilty of snooping where I really had no business I glanced up smiling only to realize it was Daryl. While he didn't say anything his look said it all. Daryl had caught me.

Feeling very much like the child with their hand caught in the cookie jar I scurried down the stairs and towards the kitchen. With my blush still creeping across my skin I poured a coffee and grabbed some toast.

"I saw that your name wasn't listed on the board yet." Lori's voice scrapped against my nerves. "So I took the liberty of adding it to the janitorial services. No free rides everyone has to pitch in and help."

I took a moment not acknowledging her as I slowly spread my peanut butter on my toast. Debating on exactly what I wanted to say when a hand reached out and touched my shoulder. Without stopping Glenn called over his shoulder, "Bring your breakfast with you. The council is heading up to meet now."

Turning so I was facing Lori as I took a bite of my toast chewing slowly before I dropped my toast back on my plate. Smiling I took a drink of my coffee allowing my eyes to completely drift up and down her body. Unable to control the smirk that played across my lips I chuckled. "It was so kind of you to think of me and while I appreciate you volunteering me it would appear as if I have other things to do. Since we all have to pull our own weight and do our part I guess you won't have issue with doing the janitorial for me." Grabbing my breakfast I started to walk away, "But hey thanks again for thinking about me."

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