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•Expect some wrong grammar

💙: YAH!!!!!!WAKE UP!!!!!!

Ryujin starts running away before yujin starts to chase her. Running away from Yujin is not easy,she has a damn long legs and she was once a runner

💙: APPA!!!

Ryujin runs toward her father before yujin catch her.

🐆: Yes My dear?

Jeongyeon ask her without looking. Nayeon taps her husband's Shoulder and pointed at Yujin who's like a freaking horse running downstairs.

N🐰: Yujin's coming
🐆: Face what you did
💙: But Appa
🐆: Your afraid?
💙: Who said I'm afraid?
🐆: Show me
N🐰: Darling!
🐆: Let Ryujin suffer
N🐰: Don't do it Ryujin!

Ryujin didn't listen and she yelled at Yujin which is a very wrong move. Yujin hit Ryujin's head,Ryujin held her head before yelling at Yujin.

💙: Yah! You don't hit your unnie like that!
🐶: Is it supposed to be like this?

Yujin flick Ryujin's ear,Ryujin squeal from the pain. The two starts fighting... Again.

🐶: Why? Does it hurt?
💙: What do you think?!
🐶: Then you shouldn't disturb my sleep!
💙: You should know how to respect me first!
🐶: And why would I do that?
💙: Because I'm older that you!
🐶: Then you should respect my sleeping hours! Because I'm fucking tired!
🦁: You two,stop it. Your not kids anymore
💙🐶: Leave us alone!!!
🐆: Sit now, breakfast is ready

Jeongyeons words made the two stop from yelling at each other. Everyone sit at their perspective seats but not the two boys because...

🦁: Where's Kevin and Lucas?
🐶💙: Obviously,out again
N🐰: Talk to your boys darling
🐆: I will later
N🐰: Let's eat
🐆: By the way,later Chaeyoung and Yujin come with me
🦁: Where?
🐆: Office,I will assign you on something
🐶: But I have a meeting later,I have a client
🐆: Your declining?
🐶: What time?
🐆: I want you two to be there exactly 1:00pm
🐶: I'll reschedule the meeting then
🐆: I'll let you handle a business Chaeyoung
🦁: Really?! Finally!
💙: Wow great!
🐆: But
🦁: But?
🐆: Yujin will be there to help you
🦁: I can handle this dad
🐆: Just let Yujin help you
🦁: Okey

Yujin is currently handling a clothing company,her dad let her handle it since her dad is building a new business. Handling a company is not easy but Yujin handled it smoothly which made her dad amaze by her business skills.

Her two brothers is handling a bar and Ryujin is a lawyer while both her mom and chaeyoung is helping them on things like meetings and else.

The breakfast is done,Ryujin and Nayeon wash the dishes. Jeongyeon saw Yujin walking downstairs

🐆: Going somewhere?
🐶: I'll meet Yena, we're going somewhere
N🐰: Be careful baby!
🐆: Can someone bring your brothers back here?
💙: I'm busy washing the plates
🦁: I have something to do

Jeongyeon look around hoping Yujin will get her message, Yujin understand what her dad is doing. She sigh before answering her dad.

🐶: I'll go get them
🐆: Thank you dear

Yujin enter her car and drove to where her brother Kevin and Lucas is.

Yujin rung the doorbell and waited for a few seconds before an old lady open the gate for her.

🧓: Oh Yujin
🐶: Is Kevin and Lucas here?
🧓: They're inside,come in

Yujin Enter the house,if you're wondering where is she right now. She's at her brothers Girlfriend's house

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