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•Expect some wrong grammar

Months have past and Yujin did what she always do but this time more sweeter.

🐸: Hey baby
🐶: You came early
🐸: I wanted to you and I'm curious to see how you do things
🐶: It's boring here baby
🐸: It's fine
🐶: I still have a few things to do, you can wait in the sofa
🐸: I bought Ice cream on my, want some?
🐶: You can all have it baby

A few minutes and Wonyoung enter Yujins office with a coffee on her hand.
The moment Wonyoung enter the office is the moment Minju also stood in her seat to go Yujin.

🐸: Oh hi Vicky
W🐰: H-hi
🐸: Coffee for Yujin?
W🐰: Yes
🐸: Can i give it to her?
W🐰: O-of course... Sure, here
🐸: Thank you

Minju take the coffee and give it to Yujin who's looking cutely at her, while Wonyoung stood still in her place.

She feel her phone vibrate in her pocket so she pick it up and saw the caller ID.

🧚: Where are you?

Work, why?:W🐰

🧚: Let's drink

Yeah, I need some alcohol:W🐰

🧚: I'll pick you up then, sounds like you're not having a good day

W🐰: Ma'am?
🐶: Yes?
W🐰: Can i leave early today?
🐶: Why?
W🐰: Emergency, family problem
🐶: Oh yeah sure, you can go now

Wonyoung immediately leave without saying thank you nor bowing.

🐸: I guess she's in a hurry
🐶: Yeah, we can also go now. I also have something to do
🐸: ???
🐶: Unnie said she needs me
🐸: Oh okey, is it okey to leave it undone?
🐶: Yeah, I'm the boss

Both Minju and Yujin leave to eat before going at their own house. Yujin drop Minju off in their house and she also went to her house.

🐶: I'm home
N🐰: You're home early
💙🦁🌙: I need her

The three look at each other with a confused face.

Within a few second all of them are now pulling Yujin on their side trying to get her.

🐶: Not this shit again
💙: She's mine today, I asked her first!
🦁: Did she agreed? No!
💙: She agreed!
🌙: I'm the oldest one here, I need her more!
🦁💙: And what would be your stupid reason?!
🌙: Yah! I'm your oldest have respect!

The three continued fighting over Yujin while Yujin is closing her eyes wishing this thing to stop.

The noise is getting louder and louder and all can Yujin do is shut her eyes hoping someone will save her from this chaos.

😺: Good--- day?
N🐰: Oh hi, excuse them. It's their daily habit, don't mind them
😺: What's happening with them?
N🐰: Fighting over Yujin
😺: Oh
N🐰: You need something?
😺: Is your husband here?
N🐰: She's in her room, I can call her for you. You can wait here, just ignore them they will be silent eventually

A minute pass and a low husky voice is heard in the house. It was husky enough for them to stop what they're doing.

Everyone stood frozen even chaeyoung who's the most loudest and hard headed one.

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