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Minju is on her room using her phone when she heard a knock.

🐸: It's open
🐶: Hey
🐸: Yeeeees?

Yujin took a deep breath before talking. She's scratching her back neck while talking.

🐶: Before your surgery tomorrow. Ummmm...
🐸: Continue
🐶: Do you want to go out? Ummm. There are nice places here maybe you---
🐸: Sure, I'll get dress

Minju replied while smiling at Yujin.

🐶: Really? Great, i-ill wait outside
🐸: This will be quick
🐶: Take your time

Yujin close the door and went to her room to get her jacket. While walking downstairs her phone started ringing.

🐶: Hello?

You busy?:🦁

🐶: I'm going out

With your girlfriend?:🦁

🐶: Stop calling her that. For now, she's not my girlfriend

Ohhh, okey. I'm just checking:🦁

🐶: If not necessary, don't call again

Okey, copy:🐸

🐶: Bye

Yujin went to the garage to get their car started.

🐸: If she's really my girlfriend, I just hit a jackpot

Minju heard the loud horn and shouted "Coming".

Inside the car, Yujin started driving carefully. She needed Minju to have fully trust on her so driving safely can help.

🐸: Where are we going?
🐶: What do you want to see?
🐸: I don't know, it's my first overseas
🐶: Wanna go shopping?
🐸: Shopping? Sure, I like the idea of shopping
🐶: But before that we're going to grab ice cream. You don't want to miss the ice cream here
🐸: Ohhhhh

Yujin can see the excitement in Minju's eyes.

Yujin and Minju is now at the shopping mall.

🐸: Oh my god
🐶: Why? Something wrong? You don't like it?
🐸: Like? I love it Yujin!
🐶: Really? Good to know. So where do you want to---
🐸: Yeahhhhhhh

Before Yujin can finish her words, Minju is now running without any direction.

🐶: I guess she love it... Hey,wait for me!

Yujin followed Minju everywhere Minju want to go. Minju checked out every store inside the mall.

🐸: Wow, that dress is beautiful
🐶: Yeah, wanna but it
🐸: No. My dress is beautiful too, I'm fine with this
🐶: You sure you don't want to but it?
🐸: Yeah, let's go. Is there any coffee shop here?
🐶: Outside, there's a popular coffee shop there
🐸: Let's get some coffee
🐶: Sit there first and don't move. I'm going to use the toilet
🐸: Okey

🐶: You like it?
🐸: Yeah, the coffee is great here
🐶: Told yah
🐸: Where are we going next?
🐶: Beach
🐸: Beach? I love beach

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