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The four is in the living room. Wonyoung sitting pretty while sipping her juice, Chaeyoung and Ryujin looking at Chaewon while Minju picking between lemon juice and Orange juice.

W🐰: Pick the Orange juice, it's good
🐸: Owh
🦁: Yujin never mentioned---
💙: You're her girlfriend?
🧚: Uhmmm... Unfortunately yes
🦁💙: Unfortunately?
W🐰: Chill

Wonyoung is acting different inside her house. Her attitude on work is different when she's in her house.

💙: Why aren't you saying anything?
🐸: What do I have to say? Yes, she's my ex. I remembered her the day I remember Yujin. I went back to the past
🦁: You stayed silent
🧚: Me and Yujin saw this coming
🦁: Saw what?
🧚: Her remembering me
💙: So? What did Yujin discussed with you?


🐶: Be there
🧚: Be where?
🐶: I know you love Minju so much
🧚: The fuck are you talking about
🐶: You love her but you had no other choice but to leave her because you became a stranger to her just like what happened to me. She suddenly pushed you away you tried to hugged her, right?
🧚: Where did you get that?
🐶: Somewhere.
🧚: You really is something. Do you know about my---
🐶: I know all your favorites
🧚: Are you for real?
🐶: Can you be there when I'm gone
🧚: Gone? You going somewhere?
🐶: Yeah, she will be needing someone
🧚: Why me?
🐶: Why not? I know you'll take care of her as much as she needs it
🧚: Are you fucking idiot? You're basically giving your girlfriend away
🐶: You'll understand me one day. I love her, so much but I can't last long... She'll not gonna forget about you again
🧚: What? No, I'm not doing it, I can't. I don't want to be attached to her again
🐶: You'll do it, I know
🧚: I can't afford to fall in love again
🐶: Love her... We'll meet again in another time


💙: What?
🧚: So this was what she meant
W🐰: She's passing Minju to you? Wow. I can't even confess to her
W🐰: Yes, I like Yujin but of course I know she has a girlfriend so I didn't do it
🐸: You should've confessed
🦁: No no not here
W🐰/🐸: Should we do it outside?
🦁: Do you want a death note?
💙: So?
🧚🐸: I'm not doing it/ She's not doing it

Both of them said in unison. Minju sipped in her juice and looked at Wonyoung with a wide eyes.

W🐰: Told yah its good
🐸: You have a great taste
🦁: You're not doing it?
🧚: I'm love her but I can't
💙: You love our Minju?
🧚: Yes but no
🐸: I only love Yujin. She will be always on my mind and heart. I can handle being alone
🦁: You're not alone, you two big family that loves you
🧚: So are we clear now? The reason why I didn't went to the funeral is because I don't want to see Minju. I was avoiding to see her but I guess Wonyoung didn't shut her mouth
W🐰: Sorry, they were asking
🧚: We good now?

Chaeyoung and Ryujin nod before relaxing their body to the sofa.

🦁: But seriously, you liked my sister?
W🐰: Yeah, she's so attractive in those suits specially with her glasses. She's just perfect
🦁: Hey no one's perfect
W🐰/🐸: She's perfect
🦁: Secretary
💙: Secretary?
W🐰: I'm not on work
💙: Oh yeah, you're handling the business
🧚: I bet it's gonna be messy
🦁: Shit up
🐸: Wonyoung, Have you seen her wearing sports bra?
W🐰: No
🐸: You should've seen it, her abs was a view
W🐰: I really envy you
🐸: Stay jealous
🧚🦁💙: You two really is something

They continued talking. Hours later and the three decided to go home.

W🐰: You sure with that? I can drop y'all off
💙: No we're good
🦁: Oppa is on his way
W🐰: Okey then, have a nice day
🐸: Bye, thank you for the juice
🧚: Have a safe drive

Kevin pick them up but with a bunos scolding. Before dripping Minju off, she speak.

🐸: Can you drop me off on the cemetery?
🌙: Cemetery? Why?
🐸: I'm visiting Yujin
🌙: Don't get to late okey?
💙: Do you want someone to go with you?
🐸: No, I'm fine alone unnie
🦁: Here, some snacks
🐸: Thank you unnie

Kevin drop off Minju but with a worried face.

🐸: I'll be fine Oppa
🌙: Call me when you're going home, I'll pick you up
🐸: I will, thank you oppa

After that, Kevin drove off. Minju went inside the cemetery, she went to Yujins tomb.

🐸: Hey, it's me Minju. How are you? I hope you're fine, I'm fine here. We went to Chaewon today, she told us everything. I never thought you'd do such a thing

Minju said while wiping the tomb. She sit on the edge of the tomb.

🐸: It's hard to accept this but you know me, I can withstand this. I know you well always be on my side. Our memories together is something that I will treasure for the rest of my life. Remember this?

Minju bring out her Pink notebook. She put on the top of the tomb, she also put the pen on the side of the notebook.

🐸: This is where our Story starts. The moment I wrote you here, I can't help but to write and write more about you. The moment our eyes met, that was thelst beautiful thing that happens to me... On the note that you left, you wrote there to not forget you. How can i forget about you Yujin when every happy moments I have you're there...

"I'll always remember you YUJIN"

The end

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