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•Expect some wrong grammar

Wonyoung is now in her office with Chaewon. They are chatting with each other when Yujin knock.

W🐰: Yeah I really lost everything that day
🧚: I was just laughing at you
W🐰: Why would you laugh? How could you laugh? I was literally crying
🧚: You weren't listening to me that day, what else do you expect me to do? Help you?
🐶: Ms. Vicky Jang?
W🐰: Unnie? Come in
🐶: Are you busy?
🧚: Hi
W🐰: Not at all
🐶: Can I talk to you for a minute?
W🐰: Sure
🐶: In my Office please
W🐰: Wait here unnie
🧚: Ne

Inside Yujins office

🐶: Guide my sister
W🐰: Guide your what?
🐶: Can you sit down
W🐰: O-oh yeah
🐶: Here's the file, read through it

Wonyoung open the file and read it, Yujin took a sip at her coffee.

W🐰: You're going somewhere?
🐶: Yeah, it won't take long. I have something to do and I need to meet Mr. Jung
W🐰: When is your leave?
🐶: Next week
W🐰: I will guide your sister
🐶: And also this
W🐰: Another file?
🐶: Read it when you got home
W🐰: Okey maam

Yujin continued instructing Wonyoung, Yujin look so serious so Wonyoung think that this is not a time for a joke.

W🐰: Yes ma'am, I will handle this. I will give you next week the things that you need
🐶: Thank you, and... Can you I talk to chaewon?
W🐰: S-sure ma'am
🐶: Thank you

🧚: Long time no see
🐶: I always saw you
🧚: Really? Where?
🐶: Do you still love Minju?
🧚: W-what?! What kind of question is that?!
🐶: Don't raise your voice
🧚: Yujin... Yes, I'm following you and minju but that doesn't mean I still love her. I-i just... Wanted to see her being happy
🐶: Do me a favor
🧚: ???

🐸: Hiiii
🐶: You look so happy, something good happened?

Minju shakes her head, Yujin put her hands on her waist.

🐸: I'm just happy to see you, I miss you
🐶: But we met yesterday
🐸: But that was yesterday
🐶: Want to go on the arcade?
🐸: Arcade? Ohhh, that would be nice
🐶: Let's go
🐸: Aren't you going to change your clothes first?
🐶: I'll change once i got home
🐸: Okey, let's go

The two started playing random games, they are having a fun time. Yujin can't help but to look at Minju which cause her to lose. She's cherishing every moment that she see Minju smiling.

🐸: You lose again HAHAHHA
🐶: I let you win
🐸: You really can't accept it huh
🐶: Watch, I'll win this time
🐸: Let's see

The two was about to play another game when someone approach Minju.

🍞: Minjussi
🐸: ???

Yujin mouthed "Hitomi" which made minju's eyebrows to raise. Yujin dodge her and smiled at Hitomi.

🐶: Oh Hitomi, what brings you her?
🍞: Oh, I was playing with my friend when I saw Minju. You two are having a good time huh
🐶: Yeah, we wanna spend more time with each other
🍞: Have a nice day, you two look so good together. I'll go now, I just want to see you minju. I really have to go now
🐶: Bye!
🐸: B-bye tomi

🐸: Who was that?
🐶: Your workmate
🐸: In dad's coffee shop?
🐶: Yeah
🐸: O-ohh, yeah
🐶: Should we go eat?
🐸: I want ice cream
🐶: Okey let's go

The two went to the park after buying ice cream. Minju smile as she watch the kids running around. Yujin took out minju's camera and used it.

🐸: You're taking pictures?
🐶: Yeah, I have the mood to take pictures
🐸: Really? Then let's take a cute picture together
🐶: No, I don't want to
🐸: Hmmmm, okey
🐶: I don't like having pictures
🐸: But your face is rolling all over the internet
🐶: Really?
🐸: That's what i heard
🐶: Do I look cool?
🐸: No

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