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•Expect some wrong grammar

🐥: Something wrong?
🐶: No
🐥: You're spacing out
🐶: It's about business
🐥: I don't think so
🐶: You know Chaewon right?
🐥: Yeah, hyewon's friend. Why?
🐶: Last time we met, she said she's Minju's ex girlfriend
🐥: Ex girlfriend? Really?
🐶: I don't know
🐥: Why don't you ask minju?
🐶: I don't think she remembers her
🐥: ???
🐶: O-ohhhh, Nothing
🐥: You're hiding something
🐶: And why would I do that? I don't have anything to hide Yena. You don't I don't hide when it comes to you
🐥: Hmmmm
🐶: Chaewon...
🐥: ...
🐶: I saw her everywhere we go, she's not bothering us but she's watching us
🐥: Nothing's wrong with watching
🐶: ...
🐥: Right?
🐶: I feel uncomfortable

Yujin tilt her head lightly before sipping her coffee. She look look at her phone and Yena knew what's going to happen.

🐥: You have something to do? Again?
🐶: Yeah
🐥: Can you stay a little bit longer? You know I miss you right?
🐶: I still have 20 minutes, I can spend that with you
🐥: ... It's been a while,you've been so busy. I also help my brother with his business
🐶: Yeah, we separate for a while
🐥: Tell me
🐶: ???
🐥: Things you wanted to do
🐶: So random
🐥: I know
🐶: Things I wanted to do?... Grow my business, do things i love
🐥: Like what?
🐶: Drinking, Starts traveling, Reading books and not files, Have a month vacation...
🐥: ...
🐶: Love someone without hesitation
🐥: Are you hesitating?
🐶: I don't know

While Yujin is with Yena on a coffee shop,Minju is on a situation that she never expect.

🦊: You're in a relationship with Yujin? Yoo Yujin?
🐸: W-who said?
🦊: Your Hyewon unnie, she went to see me
🐸: Sh-she's good to me Dad
S🐶: What's happening here?

Sana look at Hyunjin, Hyunjin signal her to come near her. They both look at Tzuyu and Minju who's talking seriously.

🐱: Minju is in a relationship
S🐶: With who?
🐱: Who do you think?
S🐶: Ahhhhhhhh, Yujin!
🦊: You knew?!
S🐶: Was my voice loud?
😺: Yeah
S🐶: No, but I can sense it
🦊: You didn't tell me
S🐶: You didn't ask

The siblings starts protecting minju, minju stayed silent in the corner. She's looking at her feet with a scared expression.

😊: We're teasing her everyday dad about this, How come you didn't think it's true
Y🐰: And Yujin is not a bad person Dad
🐸: We're not doing anything bad Dad
Y🐰: I met Yujin and she's a caring person
😊: I never met her before but I bet she's a good person

I.N pinch Hyunjin who's in his side, Hyunjin look at I.N before talking.

🐱: I agree dad, you've met her before and you even talk to her. Nothing's wrong with their relationship, right?
🐸: Please accept us
🍰: And who said dad is against their relationship?
🐸🐱😊Y🐰: ???

Sana respond while cooking, she's in the kitchen but she's full ear in their conversation.

S🐶: Your Dad will never go against your decisions
🐸: S-so why did you wake me up early in the morning?
🦊: To ask you if it's real,dear. I heard you're hesitating
🐸: Yes
🦊: And why?... Look in my eyes Minju, tell me what's the matter
🐸: I have never been in a relationship before

All of them look at each other, Tzuyu cleared her throat.

🐸: I don't know if I'm doing it right, what if I do something wrong? What if i made a wrong decision again?

🦊: Sweety DON'T LET YOUR WRONG DECISIONS RUIN YOUR NEXT DECISIONS. Decisions that you decide will depend on what situation and feeling you have, If you made a wrong decision then take it as a lesson. Never hesitate minju, never ever hesitate when it comes to love

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