Chapter 15 "A new start?"

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X's POV~
So I am getting a divorce with my husband, and I have to say its not gonna be easy. We have been married for 5 years. But, I will be fine.

(5 months later* still x's point of view*

So I have been divorced for a while, and my ex moved out. So a new beginning for me and BB.

Me almost dating BB for 6 months is weird. Probably because he's a plastic statue thing. And the other animatronics are fine with it.

Now I have been thinking, what about me and BB getting married? I know it's weird, but what if? I just have to wait 6 months and then I will hopefully get married to him. (Me: Ik u r like, "Getting married to a statue is ridiculous!!" Me: Then why did you click on this story? I am a weird person, no no, not that kind of weird. haha)

3 Months Later (Wow! We are going all over the place and sorry if my comments are annoying just don't read what you see in parentheses, or however you spell it)


In about 2 months I will marry my love, at least I hope!

Sorry for the short chapter! But just so ya know, the ending of this story is coming! And I already have it planned :)
BYE!!! And if you want me to stop making comments on the story, which is actually fun, the message me to stop or tell me in the comments!

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