I was thinking about how Erik sets up traps for those who might wander down to his lair. Shit must be terrifying haha
Erik is definitely the most secretive man I've ever met. We've known each other for so long yet I never actually visited where he lives.
Yes, I know he lives under the Opera Populaire. He's never taken me down there though, we've always met in dressing rooms or hallways in the opera house. He's warned me not to go down there alone, I suppose he just doesn't want unannounced visitors. Which I completely understand, but sometimes it can be very difficult to get in contact with him.I've had days where I've just really needed to talk to someone, explain what's going on in my troubled mind...and he's nowhere to be found. He always said to call his name or knock on the wall and he'll be there, no questions asked. Except...it doesn't always work.
Today is no different. It's been a long and stressful day, some company would help me a lot. What better than the opera ghost himself?
"Erik!" I shout a bit, from the comfort of the couch.
...oh please not this again."Erik! May you please show yourself? I really want to talk with you."
I groan in frustration, my head hitting the pillow that lies on the couch. After a few minutes of needing to compose myself I stand up and walk over to the wall. He taught me a special knock pattern so he knows it's me and not some stranger.
My heart swells in hopefulness to receive...! Nothing... of course. Is this man on the other side of the opera house or something?!
My forehead leans against the cold wall, it's a nice feeling after being so warm in frustration. I can't blame him though, he really could just be busy doing something and doesn't hear me. So, would it be bad to wait for him in his home? Possibly not, actually it seems like a good idea for me at least.
I may have never ventured down there myself but I know how to get there. I've watched him enter and leave from many different places in this building, he knows this place very well.
There's one space in a usually empty hallway that he'll enter from. I press a part of the wall and it opens, I've seen him press this seemingly hidden button plenty of times so that's the only reason I know to come here. Once I pass through the opening the wall closes behind me. It's a lot darker in this hallway than I thought it would be...
I've brought a candle with me, but it doesn't do too much to illuminate everything. A lantern would have been a smarter idea, or even a torch. My hand feels along the wall to make sure I don't bump into anything. Hearing the echo of my footsteps sound through these cold and empty passageways makes me a bit nervous. Is this the right way? If it's not then which way is correct? How do I know?
My questions get interrupted when my foot steps on something beneath me. That part of my body lowers for a second, just like I stepped upon a button. Then, out of nowhere, the ground underneath me slips away and I fall into the unknown.
During the fall I dropped my candle, so now I don't see anything. My hand in front of my eyes isn't even visible. My legs ache a bit as I shakily stand back up, that's definitely going to leave some bruises. Luckily, the drop wasn't too far but it was enough to startle me greatly. Yet again, my hand presses against the wall to try and figure out my location. It doesn't help.
Then, some soft light enters the room from an unknown location on the ceiling. That's the least of my concerns, at least I can see now...sort of.
My heart jumps in my chest when another strange noise breaks the silent atmosphere. Gears? It's definitely a mechanical sound.
My eyes squint as I try to figure out what's going on in this dimly lit room. That's when I notice the walls moving. Closer and closer.I gasp as I take a few steps behind me, all that happens is my back hits the wall moving behind me. My shoes scrape across the floor to try and stop my soon to be end, but it doesn't even work a little bit. Oh my god, am I really going to die like this?
"Erik! Erik, please! Help!"
My heart is practically thumping out my chest at this point. These walls move much faster than I would have ever thought. The sound of the gears moving the walls to my demise hides the sounds of my hands pounding against the concrete walls. A high pitch scream escapes me once the stone starts pressing upon my body.
Any movement I had before is gone, now I can feel my body slowly being crushed. My screams of terror turn into shrieks of pain as my end becomes closer.
To my surprise, as quick as they closed around me, the walls retract to their normal positions. My lungs gasp for breath as I have to lean over with my hands on my knees to calm down. The weakness in my body takes over and I collapse to the ground, still panting. Did that truly just happen? Did I really almost...die?
Fast paced footsteps are heard behind me but I don't have the energy to turn around, I know who it is anyway. Erik has the most terrified expression once he stands in front of me, I see sweat roll down his cheek along with tears in his eyes.
He shouts, "(Y/N), what did I tell you about coming down here?! It's dangerous! What the fuck was going through your head?! You almost..! You almost..."
He can't even finish the sentence and I can't blame him, I'm in just as much disbelief as him. Honestly, probably more. My hand rests on my chest as I still feel my heart pounding as fast as it can. I take in a deep breath as I finally can exclaim, "Why in the world do you have deadly traps down here?!"
He joins me on his knees next to me. His arms carefully wrap around me, almost afraid to alarm me even more. He responds in a soft voice this time, "For the people who wander down here to try and find me. They mustn't reach my home, for I must stay alone." We part from the hug and I stare into his eyes as he continues, "Do not come down here without me, ever! If you must though...I shall teach you where not to step. Why did you try to come here in the first place..?"
My forehead rests against his shoulder as I say shyly, "I've had a rough day...seems like it's only gotten worse." He frowns but nods his head in understanding. He stands up and helps me stand up as well.
"Let's talk about it..."

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)
RomanceThe Opera Ghost himself has fallen in love. He loves (Y/N) with all his heart. Good thing they love him right back! -You may send in requests! Please do! I'll let you know if it's something I'm not comfortable doing. Also I will be using they/them f...