Requested by: Erik_The_Opera_Ghost
After my time in Erik's lair, I sadly had to go home, when my father picked me up I made sure to hide the burn on my arm. Unfortunately, it was't long until my burn was noticed. Having two parents constantly behind me and watching my every move made it impossible to hide. And my worst fear came true...
"You are not allowed outside without our supervision again!" My mother says exasperated. She takes my hand and reveals my burn to me like I haven't already seen it a hundred times. "This is what happens when you're left alone. What if something worse happens? We can only keep you safe if you stay home."
I understand her fear, but keeping me locked in my own house is the worst thing ever for me. My parents tend to be busy, so when will I ever be able to go out with them? Once every couple weeks? And what about Erik? Will I ever see him again?
Thousands of questions flash in my brain as I think about my loss of freedom. I refuse to be a prisoner in my own home! I know the risks of being by myself and I don't care. Besides I won't be alone if I have Erik...the only man who makes me feel alive. I need to leave.
My father approaches me as he notices the distress in my eyes. My parents lead me in the direction of my room. Once I pass the threshold into my room my father reveals something he was hiding in his pocket: a key. He starts to close my bedroom door slowly, "This is for your own good, we just want to keep you safe." He shuts the door and locks it before I can try and stop him.
"No! Let me out! Please!"
My pleads fall on deaf ears. I hear their footsteps walk down the hallway, back towards the living room. I turn to inspect my new prison. The warmth and safety of my bedroom transforms into a cold and small dungeon. I need to get out of here.
I sigh heavily as I rest my hands beside me, giving up on playing the music of my organ. Everything I have tried to play recently only ended in failure. It has been two weeks since I have seen you. Ever since your disappearance my worries have grown. It fills my entire being to the point where I can't play anything. Your smile used to grace my lair everyday, now it has gone back to the cold and and sadness that it has always been.
I stand up from the bench and sit on my loveseat instead. My leg bounces up and down anxiously as my worries consume me. Did you injure yourself again, to the point of not being able to get up? Or have your parents kept you busy so you stay safe at home? Maybe it's it me? Have you finally noticed what a disgusting creature I am and left to never return? You have never seen under my mask, perhaps the rumors were enough to scare you. Or you got a bad feeling from me and decided to stay away.
This always happens. Always. You think I would get used to it, but I haven't. This is what I get for letting anyone get close to me again. All I do is bring pain to others. Always!
I let out a groan of grief. My body moves before my brain and I grab a cup that is sitting on the table in front of me, then I lunge it at the wall. It shatters immediately on impact, the leftover tea and glass covers the floor. Broken, just like how I break everything else.
Before I can get too caught up in my emotions my front door opens. I didn't hear anyone cross over the water, I suppose I was distracted. I turn my head and see you.
You run over to me with worry all over your face. Your clothes are disheveled and once I look down I see your bleeding knees. You grab onto my arms and say quickly, "I am so sorry! I did not mean to leave you lonely. My parents trapped me in my room! I had to wait to find a good chance to escape, they may have locked my door but they forgot to lock my window."
I am silent as I look over your trembling figure. These weeks without you I convinced myself you weren't coming back, I am so happy I was wrong. My arms wrap around you as I hold you tightly, luckily you're real and not a dream. My voice quivers as I speak softly, "I am so glad you're okay."
We part after a few moments and I gently grab your hand to start leading you towards the bathroom, "Lets get you cleaned up."
I stop as you pull your hand away. You take a deep breath and let it out as you plead with me, "Please let me stay here with you. I can't go back home. It is not a life there. Staying locked up in my room like a cage is something I can't stand anymore."
I know that very well. I was actually locked in a cage. And before that I had to hide away in my room for years because my mother couldn't bear to look at me. You're right. It is not a life to live. So, how could I allow you to live like that anymore?
"You don't have to go back. You never have to. I will protect you, I promise."
You fall into me out of relief, you keep mumbling thank yous as you grip onto me. You then ask, "How can I ever repay you?"
I slowly pull you away from my body and grab your hand, "For starters, you could allow me to clean you up."
You let out a soft giggle, "Thank you."
"Anything for you."
I lead you to the bathroom to bandage you up. As I clean you up I think about everything that just happened. I won't allow you to go back home. Your parents will only trap you, I want your freedom. And when you're free...I feel free too.
I look up to see you already looking at me. I grin and cup your face with my calloused hand. Going to have you live with me is going to be a wonderful idea, I love it.

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)
RomanceThe Opera Ghost himself has fallen in love. He loves (Y/N) with all his heart. Good thing they love him right back! -You may send in requests! Please do! I'll let you know if it's something I'm not comfortable doing. Also I will be using they/them f...