The reader is trans and treated badly by people in the opera house, so they go to Erik for comfort. Erik is hesitant but secretly falls in love with the reader
I'm gonna try and keep this as neutral as possible (as I do anyway)so it can work for anyone who wants to read!
Also Happy New Year guys!!!
I stand in the practice room trying to learn my dance routine by myself. I would love to practice with everyone else but sadly they seem to make it impossible. Anything I do gets interrupted by pushes or rude comments or someone trying to trip me. It is getting to the point where I dread getting up everyday. Things here were nice until I came out as trans, now everyone else's true colors are coming out. Meg, Christine, and a few female and male dancers still treat me the same, no one else does though.
As I'm wallowing in my thoughts the door to the practice room opens. In comes two ballerinas talking and laughing between each other. That simple human interaction that I am deprived of makes my heart fall into a blue despair. Their conversing halts upon seeing me.
Lisette, the tall blonde ballerina who trips over her own two feet, sucks in her breath as she sees me. Must my gender be treated as a sickness? If it is, it is one that will never fade away. Lisette slowly turns her head towards her shorter friend who has a similar expression of distaste. The brunette, Reine, is the first to try and rid of my presence.
"Uhm...we are going to use this practice room, may you leave?"
She looks at me like I'm an animal, like I'm a creature. My hands shake from imagining the thoughts in her head, the words she wants to use but doesn't dare say.
"Why not share? Let's practice together. We must share the stage anyway," I mumble cooly.
Reine and Lisette share a look, they lean in to share whispers. They think their words are hidden but I know exactly what they are talking about. I don't need to hear to know.
Eventually Reine turns back to me, her gentle voice is gone. It didn't take long for her to lose her patience. "Look, we don't want to practice with an amateur dancer. Go be a freak somewhere else. We want to work with someone who is a real male or female. Not whatever you are."
The words hurt but it's not anything I haven't heard before. My heart wants to fight back and try to make them understand my identity, but my head wants to not say anything out of fear. Would speaking out get me fired? I already have a fear of getting fired because no one wants to work with me anymore.
I accept my defeat and grab my things silently, I leave the practice room and hear the door slam behind me. The hallway is completely empty other than me. The sound of my footsteps echo off the walls as I get lost in my worries. A soft deep voice breaks the sound of my failure.
"What's wrong?"
I whip around to see nothing, only the shadows accompany me. Eyes seem to glow through the darkness. I know exactly who this is. It's the phantom of the opera, the mysterious opera ghost. We met a few times already. He's surprisingly nice, maybe he is nice to me because he knows what it's like to be misunderstood. Perhaps he can help me right now.
I walk over and join him in the shadows, "I'm wrong, apparently."
"What?" He asks with a concerned face.
I shake my head regretting even trying to mention my bad mood, "Sorry, just some girls were mean to me. They kicked me out of the practice room while I was practicing my routine. I'm feeling just kind of out of it now."
Upon hearing that he looks indignant. He takes my hand while speaking quicker than usual out of anger, "Why would someone ever do that to you?"
An awkward chuckle leaves my mouth. I know exactly why and I have explained to Erik a few times why others have been treating me differently, but he somehow still doesn't understand it. "The whole gender thing, everyone has been treating me like an outsider since I came out. What if I get fired, Erik? No doubt the managers know and no doubt they don't care for that sort of thing either. The opera house has been the only place I felt safe in and now that has been ripped out from under me." My worries flow out of me, it seems I'm not very good at keeping this to myself. I take a deep breath and give up. My arms wrap around Erik tightly while I hide my face in his chest to hide my tears.
His arms go up and his hands nervously hover above my back. He sucks in his breath as he stares at me. He wants to show me comfort, but he is not used to affection. It is something that must change, for the person in front of him he cares a lot about. It is someone who he relates to and he wants to show not everything in this world is bad. That is what he learned from the person in his arms.
"You will be okay. You are safe with me. I won't let anything happen to you. I know this is a tough situation but know that you are being yourself, and being yourself is the most beautiful thing." His hands finally rest on my back, he comfortingly rubs my back. He lets out a slow nervous sigh. Usually he is the one who needs to be comforted, he has never comforted someone else before. He would do anything to help though. But why would he, he thinks to himself. Why doesn't he want his friend to feel this pain? And why does the word 'friend' feel so wrong?
"I just want to let you know I am so proud of you for being who you are," he finishes in a whisper. "If you would like we can go down to my lair and have some tea...and forget about the world for an afternoon."
I pull back and wipe the tears off my face with a smile, "I would love that."
He takes my hand again and leads me through one of the many hidden passageways.
"Thank you, Erik."
"Anything for you."

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)
RomanceThe Opera Ghost himself has fallen in love. He loves (Y/N) with all his heart. Good thing they love him right back! -You may send in requests! Please do! I'll let you know if it's something I'm not comfortable doing. Also I will be using they/them f...