I suddenly was just thinking about if Erik was blind and I knew I had to write about it!
Please leave any suggestions if you have any~ thank you!
As I enter the underground lair I hear the very familiar music of my partner, Erik. He is a very interesting man. Intelligent. Smart. Cunning. Beautiful. Talented. The list goes on really.He seems entranced in his music so I decide to not disturb him. It's nice seeing him in a good mood, at least it seems he is. It's hard to tell while he's playing sometimes. The only emotion that appears is anger whenever he's frustrated with his work or sometimes sadness as he tells his feelings through song. Any note that plays always amazes me. He can't see the organ in front of him but it doesn't stop him from creating the most beautiful works ever created.
His music fills the lair and it's soothing to hear as I make my way to the kitchen. I open the cupboard slowly to not disturb him, this damned door has a creak in it. I've always complained about it and said I was going to fix it but never got around to it. Erik though actually explained to me he enjoys it actually because he knows which door has what he needs. He knows what lies inside and he can grab it with ease whenever he needs a glass or a plate. That's why it's never been fixed, it helps him. It still gets on my nerves a bit though since I have to open it everyday but oh well.
Once the glass is in my hand I turn to pour myself some water. Yet again, I try to do so quietly. Erik can't hear over his playing but it still is a habit of mine to try and be silent while he plays his music. It just seems rude to interrupt.
Afterwards, I go back over to him to enjoy the personal show. It's always wonderful to have a musician as a partner. It's an honor really, I like being the only one who can hear his work on a daily basis.The comfortable couch over on the side seems to call my name, when my skin touches it it makes me smile. It's been a long day, relaxing is very much needed. I have my drink in my hand and music playing, it can't get better than this.
Suddenly, the playing stops and Erik quietly speaks up, "(Y/N.)"
A small gasp comes from me as I quickly sit up which causes me to spill my water a little bit. The liquid soaks into my clothes and I groan as my warmth changes to coldness there. My head turns towards him, "Yes, my love?"
I'm not sure he heard me since he's silent for a few moments. I go to speak again but his voice fills the air before mine can, "A thought has been in the back of my mind all day...how ugly am I? Whenever I look in the mirror it's simply all a blur. People screech upon seeing my maskless face and call me death. I know I'm atrocious...but how bad is it? Truly?"
My eyebrows furrow as I slowly set down my glass, "What? Erik...you are not ugl-"
"Yes, I am! Do not lie to me for my sake. It's been a curse. I've looked horrible to everyone who sees me yet I will never know what they see. What was your first thought when you saw my face?"
My words seems to gather in my throat. His hand reaches out towards my direction, he doesn't say a word but it's clear what he wants: my comfort.
He sighs in relief once he feels the cloth of my outfit, his hand trails across my back until his arm wraps around me to keep me close. My hand stays on his as I lightly trace his fingers with mine. His face hides into my stomach as he awaits my answer.
"My first thought...? My first thought was that people are way too cruel to you. I've heard stories of the phantom of the opera. A monster that lurks in the shadows and how you'll faint upon the sight of his horrific face!"
His grip on me tightens until I rub his shoulder comfortingly, "Then I saw you...I saw you and immediately knew you're no monster. You're a man who has lived a cruel life. From the moment you were born you couldn't see the world but oh did they see you...they're wrong about you. To me you're stunning and handsome. I've always thought that. People just have different tastes...and you're exactly what I craved for."
A smile comes upon my face as I lean down and I bring his lips to mine. He kisses me back but parts a few seconds after, "You've always thought that? You aren't lying to me? You must be..."
I take his hand and place it over my heart, "All my words are true. The moment your mask was taken off I knew that's a face I would want to see everyday. It never scared me. Not once. See...people fear what they don't understand. Actually, more like they refuse to understand. Not everyone looks the same and that's perfectly normal. You're handsome in every way. I love you, Erik."
My words seem to have stunned him. His eyes are wide as he stares into the fabric of my shirt, the pattern he'll never see. Tears begin to fall down his cheeks and he gives me a small smile, "I love you too, (Y/N.) Do...do you truly feel that way?"
His hand reaches up toward my face and he feels my lips to tell me he requests kisses. I giggle and lean down once more so his lips can meet mine. We share a few delightful kisses until I can nod, "I do. I really do. Now, Erik, shall you get back to your organ?"
He shakes his head as he just holds onto me tighter, "I just want you."
"You have me."
My hands go under his arms as I make him stand up, then I lead him to the couch. He lays down and I lay down on top of him. He smiles as his hands stay around me, holding me tight. So tight as if he fears to let go.
"You're beautiful, Erik."
"...Thank you."

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)
RomanceThe Opera Ghost himself has fallen in love. He loves (Y/N) with all his heart. Good thing they love him right back! -You may send in requests! Please do! I'll let you know if it's something I'm not comfortable doing. Also I will be using they/them f...