The reader and Erik are enemies but both own the opera. Reader will be the only manager but Erik will still be up to opera ghost business so that counts hehe
This opera ain't big enough for the both of us...
The opera house is bustling with people, there's a person in every room doing whatever they need to do to prepare for opening night in a few days. As I walk through a group of dancers they bombard me with questions.
"Is the seamstress here? A few of us need our costumes fixed."
"May I talk to you in your office? It's important."
"Claire was not listening to Madame Giry. Do you really think all of us are ready for opening night?"
They continue to talk over each other while asking me foolish questions. I huff as I hold my suitcase closer to me. "Not now! We can discuss anything you want once I'm not busy. Talk to Madame Giry about your inquires."
I turn and leave quickly, my coat flows behind me as they watch me leave. I hear a few grumbles but it doesn't make me stop. While walking to my office I have to twist and turn just to get by. The busyness of the opera house never fails to stress me out, especially this close to such an important day.
When I get to my office I let out a sigh of relief. Finally silence...
"Oh, you have to be kidding me."
The phantom of the opera himself is sitting in my seat. He has his legs propped up on my desk with a casual expression on his face as he reads today's newspaper. I slam the door and throw my suitcase on my desk. He doesn't move an inch, he doesn't even look at me.
The opera ghost...he gets on my goddamn nerves. He has since I arrived! My first day here he was not afraid to make himself known with a note on my desk...
'Dear unfortunate manager,
You may think you are the one and only person who tends to the wellbeing of the opera house...that is where you are wrong. I implore you to not be alarmed of my presence and my demands. I know what is right and wrong for this place, I have been here for a long time so I know better than you do. If you listen to me I believe we could work well have been warned if not.
When I saw that on my desk I nearly screamed from frustration. Who is this man and why does he have the gall to speak to me like this? Well, it has been a couple years since I received the first note, and now I know very well who this man is. He has delivered hundreds of notes to my desk or to me personally or through Madame Giry. Whatever the method is I hate him all the same. He thinks he can order me around, but he is very wrong.
"What are you doing in my office?"
He slowly looks up with a slight smile on his face. He knows how much I hate it when it looks like he's having a nice time so he always makes sure to smile slyly around me. The way his lips curl into a perfect grin and the way his eyes sparkle with mischievousness fills me with rage.
Erik lets out a dramatic sigh as he puts the newspaper down. He puts his feet back on the floor and rises with a shrug. "I was just reading some reviews about our last performance and well there are some problems that have been pointed out...problems I told you to fix. If only you weren't illiterate."

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)
RomanceThe Opera Ghost himself has fallen in love. He loves (Y/N) with all his heart. Good thing they love him right back! -You may send in requests! Please do! I'll let you know if it's something I'm not comfortable doing. Also I will be using they/them f...