Erik X Manager! Reader Part Three

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Request by: KatelovesSunandMoon


My chair makes a slight squeak as I lean back in my office chair. I skim through the morning paper despite it being the afternoon; it had been busy all day so I didn't a chance to read it. While I am reading the door to my office opens. The fact that there wasn't a knock lets me know it is my dear friend Erik, it would be too much for him to kindly knock and wait for me to tell him it is okay to walk in. I've gotten used to it though, it's amusing when he does it. Now, if a singer or ballerina walked in here without a warning that would be a different story.

I fold the newspaper and place it down upon my desk, then I look up at Erik with a soft grin. He returns that grin as he stands there with his arms folded, "I apologize for not coming by this morning; my friend, Nadir, came by my house unexpectedly. He always does that." He mumbled that last part with a roll of his eyes.

I smile and say sassily, "Oh, just like you do with me? Glad to know someone else gives you the same treatment you give me."

He looks at me with a shocked expression, but it quickly washed away for an amused one instead. I stand up and clasp my hands together, "So..."

Erik gives me a quizzical look as my voice trails off. His one visible eyebrow lifts up with curiosity, "So?"

"I was wondering if you would be available later to go out again. Are you busy?" I ask slowly. My heart skips a beat as I prepare myself for disappointment if he says no. To my happiness he smiles widely.

"Not at all. I was hoping we would get to go out again. Where did you plan for us to go?"

My heart skips a beat again, but just from the excitement of him saying yes. I blank for a moment as I think about my response. I have thought about it endlessly since the last time we went out, but Erik makes me nervous. When I'm with him it's like I forget every thought I ever had. I chuckle awkwardly as I realized how long I am making him wait. Thankfully, my memory comes back to me. "I was thinking we could take a stroll through the park and walk along the Seine. I know it's nothing fancy like where you brought us, but I think some fresh air would be nice. Oh! I can pick you up at your house too."

Erik's eyes widen at that last suggestion. He lets out a delighted laugh, "That sounds lovely, but you have never been to my place. It is a long way down and can be dangerous if you do not know the way." He holds his chin between his thumb and the middle of his pointer finger as he thinks of a solution. "I could get Nadir to bring you down. Would that be acceptable?"

"It would be but uhh...what does he look like?" I have heard of his friend, but I unfortunately have never met him.

"You have certainly seen him before. He is the Daroga."

"Oh! That guy is your friend? I had no idea. I should have know from the way he warns people about you."

Erik slaps my arm with another roll of his eyes and all I can do is laugh.


I arrived back to the opera house after changing my outfit at home, something more casual but still nice looking. Once I walk inside I look around trying to find the Persian, luckily he finds me first. He walks over and nods with a warm smile, "Hello, it is nice to finally meet you. I can't believe this is my first time finally meeting the manager of this opera house. It is a pleasure to talk with you."

"And it is a pleasure to talk with you! I have seen you around for years now and haven't said a word. I apologize for that."

Nadir just gives me another nod to silently tell me it's okay. As we walk in the direction of Erik's home we initiate in small talk. That is something I usually dread, but Nadir is very sweet and interesting so I find myself enjoying this conversation. We walk through secret passageways and through the empty cellars below my opera house, Nadir walks through like he has a million times while I find myself constantly looking behind me and flinching from every noise that echos through the halls. He notices this so he says, "Erik talks about you a lot. When I visited him this morning he practically talked only about you." He has an obvious smirk on his face, clearly he wants to embarrass Erik with the fact that I now know this information.

My face turns bright red and I stare at him flabbergasted, "About me? What is he saying?"

"He told me that he enjoys working with you and how nice you are to him, he doesn't have many people to talk to so I really do appreciate your friendship with him. Now don't tell him I told you this...but after you two became friends I find that he has been much happier. He tends to be in a bad mood so seeing a smile on his face is a nice change."

My face somehow becomes even more red. We used to hate each other, but now we have grown really close. It is nice to hear that has affected him.

We make our way across the lake and to his underground house. I go to knock but Nadir stops me, "Just walk in. He hates it."

I laugh softly and open the door without knocking, Nadir gives me a nod of approval. It seems the two of them have been annoying each other for years, I am glad to join in on the fun. When we enter his home I honestly can't believe how nice it is. It looks so nice, if I stayed here long enough I would probably forget that it was underground. My only complaint would be the lack of sunlight, but I know that is not something Erik is worried about.

As I admire the gorgeous organ against the wall Erik walks in. He sighs with a fake annoyance, "I didn't hear a knock. It seems Nadir is a bad influence on you." He grins at his friend while Nadir just smiles. He waves goodbye and leaves the house. The moment he leaves the aura of the room is different, I suddenly feel nervous and another blush creeps on my cheeks. Once I gain the courage to look into his eyes I can tell he is feeling the same, a blush is on his visible cheek and he plays with his hands nervously. "Shall we go?" He asks as he brings his hand out to me.

"We shall!" I grab his hand and he leads me out of his underground home. It really was beautiful, I hope to return here soon. Perhaps I can ask him to play something for me.

His cape flows behind him as we make our way up to the land of the living. This time he wears his half mask for our outing, but in black instead of his usual white. He has a navy blue waistcoat and a black suit on. He looks sharp even though we are only taking a walk around the city. He also smells of a lovely cologne, I wish I could hold him close just to continue smelling it. I am thrown out of my thoughts once I see the sun.

We take a nice stroll through the park together. We don't say much the entire time but neither of us mind, it is a comforting silence whenever we don't have anything to say. We do take a longer route in an effort to avoid people, but yet again we don't mind. We could stay beside each other forever and it would be pure bliss. Once we get to the Seine we find an empty spot to sit down at.

Everything is pretty much perfect. The air is cool and the wind blows nicely. The water reflects the setting sun, resulting in enchanting red and orange ripples. All of this beside the mysterious opera ghost makes this a moment I will remember for a long time. I glance over towards him to see what he is doing, that is when I see he isn't looking at the water, he is writing in a small journal.

"What are you doing?" I ask softly to not startle him. Erik looks up at me with an excited smile, "I was struck with sudden inspiration, I had to get my ideas down before I forgot. I must thank you."

"What for?"

"It is you who has inspired me."

I smile back shyly and slowly rest my head on his shoulder and watch him write, "Maybe you can play it for me one day."

I feel him tense up from my touch. His hand stops moving for a moment as he stutters out, "I would love to."

"Sounds like a date."

I chuckle as he accidentally lets out a surprised squeak. He glances at me and then back to the paper in front of him, "I can't wait."

Erik x Reader (One shots/ Scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now