Chapter Two.

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Favoritism (Parents with their children)

-Your POV-

Maki leaves the room closing the door. I walk over to my new bed the smell of pumpkin spice in the air, it was a large rectangular room. I jump up onto my bed and sit down tired from the long (not really) day.

Eight years later.
I wake up and sit straight rubbing my eyes. "Ugh, I'm tired" I check the time (10:00) and realize I'm late for my run so I rush to grab some clothes and change quickly. When I finished I run out of my bathroom and walk downstairs. I put on my shoes and jog out of the front door knowing full well my friends would have left without me. I jog past my favourite cafe called 'Dream Bean Coffee Shop' and sigh knowing I can't get my favourite drink f/d since it's closed. 'Maybe I can catch up to my friends' I pause with realization. 'They left 30 minutes ago there's no way I can catch up to them.. dammit!' I start jogging again. A few minutes later I pass an older lady who drops her purse, "I'll help you with that miss" I say after I stop jogging and help her. "Oh thank you dear!" She says and walks off "Your welcome!" I shout after her. I catch my breath and start jogging again. 'I might as well run for a little longer then usual. I am trying to get into UA after all. I may only be 14 but might as well start now, I mean I have nothing better to do other then watch my brother drool and mumble over some girls'

I jog for ten minutes longer then usual and start walking home, halfway I stop at Dream Bean Coffee Shop. Three minutes later it's my turn in line to I order f/d and f/s (favourite snack) "Thanks you" I say sitting at my table for two. (there was no other option) My number gets called so I grab my f/d and f/s pay and sit back down. I eat my snack and finish my drink soon after.  I walk out of the coffee shop and start my half hour journey back home. When I arrived I opened the door to see Minoru on the couch playing moaning sounds so I walk up behind him a slap in on the back of the head "You stupid perv! Behave in mothers house!" I shout at him "Says the one who's adopted and don't call her that she's only my mother! Your's didn't want you so why would mine!" I stand there baffled at what he had just said. He slapped a hand over his mouth, I look at the floor and walk to my room not saying a word. 'I'll talk to mom about this.' I enter my room. I try not to let what he said get to me. I pick up my favourite book a rush of sadness cowers over me when I notice Minoru messed with it. There were ripped pages all over my desk, I try sorting them but it's pointless as the numbers were torn off.

Finally I break into tears 'First I'm late for my run then Minoru, and now this?! How could this day get any worse?!' I say now sobbing. I walk to my closet and change into household attire and sit back on my bed 'We're will I find this book? It's sold out everywhere!' I grab my phone and search up F/b (favourite book) and try and find it. Sadly every website with F/b was sold out. 'Ugh this is ridiculous! Mom looked for f/b for so long and Mineta destroys it' I text Mom and explain everything to here. 'I'll be right there' I read, "okay.." I say aloud. I lay back into my bed forgetting the time and fall asleep, when I wake up I heard the door open meaning Maki was here.

I walk downstairs to find Maki and Mineta hugging. I hide behind the wall and listen to their conversation, "Mineta, what you did was not okay but I forgive you!" Maki says I instantly walk into the room Maki looks at me surprised but smiles "Hello Y/n" she says "Mom. May a speak to you in the kitchen please?" She nods and we leave Mineta there. In the kitchen I finally say "Mom! He ruined my book, insulted me about my adoption and you forgive him?! Why?" I say raising my voice slightly

"W-Well he's my son!" She stampers "And I'm not?! What gives! I am your son to, mom! You adopted me Eight years ago! How am I not considered your son yet?" I shout now even more upset "Well maybe because your adopted! Huh ever think of that? I can favourite my real child! You are adopted meaning I don't have to like you as much as my REAL SON!" I pause. "W-what?" I start crying "Do you really mean that?" Maki looks shocked slapping a hand over her mouth "Wow so the truth finally comes out huh.." I whisper loud enough for her to hear, she was stupid enough to say "It was never a secret you are just too blind to see it!"

I step back all emotion leaving my face. Maki studies my body and her face gets hit with realization, "W-Wait! Y-You don't need to leave!" I ignore her and walk away "You are no longer a mother to me." I say, quickly I run up starts and pack my things as emptiness surrounds me. 'I'm only 14 we're the hell am I gunna go?!' I pack everything needed and Maki running into the room "Where do you think your going young man?" She screams "Anywhere but here! I can't trust you and that stupid little grape-headed bitch!" Anger filled my mind. While not thinking straight I try and leave but she grabs me by the arm "You aren't going anywhere brat!" She taunts. I rip my hand away from her grasp and run out of the room, tears falling down my face and a large bag in hand.

(I hope this is good! I worked really hard on this! 😁 Cya in the next chapter!

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