Chapter Three

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-Your POV-

Outside the big three story mall

I stand there baffled at the largeness of the mall. I walk inside bag on hand hoping for a job. I find a lady stacking the shelves "Um excuse me miss?" I say shyly "Oh hello! What do you need?" (Rn your 5'10 ft tall) "Um.. May I speak to the manager? I kinda need a job" I ask "Oh I am the manager, how old are you dear?" She asks "14" I answer, her eyes widen slightly but go back to normal "That's a little young, where are your parents?" She asks "I have none" I say coldly "Oh dear I'm so sorry! Sure I'll get you a laptop to write your resume with me making sure you don't break or steal it of course" I says. I nod and follow her to and office, she pulls out a laptop like she said she would, unlocks it and walks over to me. She hands me the laptop and watches me type.

When I finish she prints it and reads it. "Wow it looks like you'll be a perfect fit for stocking the shelves! How often do you wanna work?" She asks "Every Saturday, Sunday, after school on Monday and Tuesday" I say. She nods "Alright, also do you have a place to stay?" I shake my head. She sighs "I'll let you stay at my place tomorrow until you get back on your feet." I smile at her and she smiles back "I have to go now, I'll see you tomorrow?" She nods.

I walk out of the mall and it starts raining, I groan knowing I'll get soaked if I can't find shelter.. I find a roofed alleyway and lay there. I pull out a extremely small tent and set it up. I soon fall asleep in my sleeping bag and wake up in the morning, In the tent I change into work clothes, pack up my stuff and leave for the mall. In the employ locker room I put my bag of clothes, a tent and sleeping bag inside my assigned locker. I start my full day shift of stacking shelves under supervision (of course).

At 3:00 pm my shift was over and the manager came up to me. "Hello dear, I'll close up the shop and we can go to my place yes?" I nod and minutes later we leave for her car. When we get to her house she unlocks the door and we enter a wonderful looking living room, she leads me upstairs and says "This is the guest bedroom, where you will be staying. Please behave yourself." She says "Yes miss" I say bowing my head slightly.

I walk into my current room and place my bag on the floor near the door. It's a small square room with two windows furthest from the door, to my left there is a closet (which you will use eventually). I look through my bag and grab a clean pair of clothes and change quickly. I walk downstairs and see my boss cooking some food "Do you want some food kiddo?" She asks "If you don't mind" I say she smiles and twenty minutes later dinners ready and we sit and eat, chatting a little getting to know each other when we finished I helped clean up and put everything away "Thank you for dinner miss" She laughs a little and pats my head "Call me Kaito! We will be living together after all!" She says I nod, thank her again and leave for the guest room. It's 8:30 already and I have school tomorrow, 'I hate Friday's' I sigh, lay in bed and soon fall asleep.

At 5:00 am I get up, change and go for my run. Kaito gave me the house keys so I could return at 6:30 to get into my school uniform. After my run I make it back to the house, I go inside, shower and change into my uniform. At 7:26 Kaito came downstairs and ate breakfast by that time I was in my uniform with my school bag ready to leave "Kiddo are you gunna eat or what?" Kaito asks I laugh "Sorry I almost forgot!" She laughs as well and I sit down in front of the plate she had set up.

After breakfast I stand up clean my plate and utensils, say goodbye and leave for school. It was almost 8:00 so I ran to school when I arrived I checked the time '7:45 early nice!' I walk to my first class and sit on my phone till the warning bell rang, soon the second bell rang and class started. At break I met up with some friends except there was someone I didn't know "Hey guys, who's this?" I ask they give me an annoyed look "Her name is e/n
(enemies name)" My taller friend said "T/f/n (Toxic friends name) Why did you invite her here? I thought you didn't lik-" she put a hand over my mouth "Nonsense!" T/f/n says with a twisted grin. I nod not wanting to be beaten.

I walk away to get my lunch with the little money I have and when I get back the already left. I sigh, sit down and eat alone. Twenty minutes later a short green haired male walked up to me. "H-Hello! I'm Izuku Midoriya!" He says putting his hand out, I take it and say "Hello Midoriya, I'm Y/n L/n" We shake hand and start chatting until a loud blonde runs up to us. "Awh did Deku make a new friend? I bet your just as weak and quirkless as him!" He laughs "Kaccan leave him alone!" Midoriya whisper shouts "Who is he?" I ask "Kaccan? His name is Katsuki Bakugo not the nicest person" he whispers "What are you two nerds whispering about?!" Bakugou shouts "Leave us alone Bakugou!" I shout back "Awh is the weakling trying to fight me?" He laughs "Okay you me after school! I bet your a quirkless loser too!" He walks away laughing I smirk "I'm not quirkless.." I whisper "Are you okay Midoriya?" I ask the already shaken boy "Y-Yeah but you can't meet him after school! You die!" He whimpers "I'll be fine "

(Cliff hanger!!)

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