Chapter Five

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References to living in a psychiatric hospital

-Your POV-

Once our shifts were over we finally left the large
mall together after a long day of work and went home. I walk to my room and sit on my bed grabbing the bag I packed when I ran away. I open the bag and grab my manga series called Demon Slayer (I'm sorry 😂). I start reading and hours later fall asleep.

The next day

I wake up on my manga feeling exhausted, I yawn and stretch not feeling any relief. 'I slept in a really uncomfortable position.' I thought, I sit up and look around for no reason. I spot my closet and look down at my bag of clothes 'I should unpack.' I half wonder. I get off my bed, stand up, grab my bag and walk over to the closet. I unpack my clothing and neatly place them in they're designated spots, while unpacking I notice an old note book and decide to look through it.

I open the note book and on the first page it says-

Tuesday, September 19th. 2015

It's my first day of real school! I honestly don't know how to feel. I'm afraid of what the other kids will think of me and I don't even know how to act. I mean I grew up in a mental hospital! What will they think? How should I act? How would I play it cool?! I've never had much interaction with anyone besides my Mom and Minoru Mineta. Anyway I've got to go to school now.

-7:00 AM

It's the same day as the last page

'There's tear marks on the page! Was I crying?' I thought

The kids didn't like me.. They called me an outcast, I don't fully understand what that is but it doesn't sound very nice. They were all laughing at me but one person. I do not know their name though and I wish I did. I've got to go eat dinner.

-6:50 PM

"Oh, that's sad. Is there more?" I wondered As I continued to read it just got darker and darker, for example:

Friday, December 17th. 2016

Thank god todays the last day of school for winter break! I don't know how much more I could handle! It's terrible, I feel awful. I've been beaten all day and the teacher didn't do anything! She just sat there and watched like a helpless bastard! I swear when I get my hands on her I'll choke her to death! I don't wanna go to school anymore. It's not a nice place, the kids at the mental hospital were nicer then these kids.. I wanna ask mom but I'm scared!

-4:45 PM

"Aw poor thing, wait that's me-" I say gagging a little

Monday, January 1st. 2017

Today's the first day! I'm excited, maybe the kids in this grade will be nicer? I'm in a different class so hopefully this goes well! I've got to go now! Goodbye!

-7:00 AM

They were nicer but still some were mean, some kid called Bakugo or Kaccan was a jerk and this poor kid named Izuku Midoriya was being bullied by him. Not going to lie he looks familiar... wait! It's that kid! Who didn't laugh at me last year whenever I was being bullied! I hope we can be friends! I stood up to Bakugo and protected Midoriya but I got a good beating for it and for some reason Midoriya didn't say anything to me... he just chased after Bakugo apologizing? I don't know that kids weird. I'm going to bed goodbye!

-9:36 PM

"Well isn't that something-" I sighed closing the note book, "I'm done with this" I place it on one of the shelves and put everything else away. I check the time '3 o'clock' I thought, I walk downstairs, grab a sticky note and write:

'Going to town cya later'


I place it on the fridge and grab my shoes. When I reach the door I put on my shoes and walk out of the house, once I'm off the front porch steps I start to jog.

Soon I reach my old favourite coffee shop 'To think it's only been about- what three days since I ran away?' I thought chuckling a little. I walk into the shop passing the sigh that says 'Dream Bean Coffee Shop' and walked up to the counter and order my usual f/d and f/s. I sat down at one of the tables for two and took a sip of my drink. Someone walks past me and knocks the cup out of my hand spilling it all over me "Ah-!" I accidentally shouted "I-I'm sorry for shouting" I apologized standing up and looking at the stranger.

They were tall with standing up straight black hair with deep- also red, eyes "Oh god! It wasn't very manly of me to bump into you like that! I'm so sorry!" He says "It's alright! I promise, I wasn't that thirsty anyway..." I say unintentionally sounding kinda sad "Let me make it up to you!" He says rushing to grab paper towels. Once he finds somepaper towels he hands me the paper towel and I try to dry the drink with it and because of the way the drink spilled my f/s was covered. 'Aw I wanted to eat that' I thought sadly. The male noticed my sad gaze on f/s and fumbles with his fingers "I'm really sorry! I can pay for a new drink and sweet!" He says suddenly bumping his fists together I sigh "Alright." Since I had a thinner shirt under my thick shirt so I took the top layer off, the male also notices this and blushed real hard. Once I had fully taken my thicker shirt off the male sighed in relief at the fact I had one underneath.

"You know what I lost my appetite." I say to the male "My names Y/n L/n" I say as he looks down at me "My names Ejiro Kirishima! Nice to meet you L/n and again I'm sorry for everything." He replied bowing his head slightly "No no! Stand up! Like I said it's alright, I had only came here because I was bored anyway" I laugh a little and so does Kirishima.

"Right well, I suppose this is till we meet again. I have a feeling we will see each other soon" He laughs "Of course! Till we meet again!" I say giggling. We go our separate ways and I head home, once I arrived I check the time '3:30' I sigh 'I guess I have time to change and get groceries for Kaito since she asked' I walk up to my room and open my closet. I grab f/h (favourite hoodie) and f/s/p (favourite sweat pants) and changed, once I finished I walk downstairs into the main entrance and look outside 'Damm it's raining' I thought

I grab an umbrella, go outside underneath the roof of the front porch and open the umbrella. I walk down the stairs and head towards the grocery store.

(I'm sorry I want to get a chapter to you so I'm ending this here)

Pokeball Reject ꧁Todoroki x male reader꧂Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon