Chapter Ten

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[ The last piece of the puzzle ]

I wake up in my bed confused, why wasn't the dream sad? It usually is, that one was cute and wholesome. I had a friend when I was younger? Who was it.... Wait, TODOROKI?! THE TODOROKI SHOTO?! My friend Todoroki Shoto was also my childhood friend?

Dam, I'm glad I remember but does he? Does he remember who I am? I mean, I look the same from what I can tell. I've looked like this ever since I could remember, obviously I'm taller and more muscular but that's it. Why, why ,why? Does he remember? How did i forget? Why the hell did i forget?! What the actual fuck! Thats so annoying. This is frustraiting but i need to calm down and think rationally.

Todoroki's cool, he'd be calm.

{Todoroki Shoto's POV}

That was L/n right? Am I not wrong? Theres no way, if it is them why did they leave? Did they forget me or abandoned me? They were so warm and gentle there's no way they left on perpose. I'm kinda glad i found them there's so much I have to tell them, is it bad to say I miss them? So so much. I mean they disappear and then reappear so I guess i have a right to me mad but... I'm not? Ugh, this is frustrating.

{Back to L'n's POV}

Oh my gooooooooooood! This is soooo weird! I hope he's not mad at me for disappearing! From what I remember that wasn't a very good time.. Anywho I need to get into contact with him somehow. I showed him a cafe resently didn't I? I guess i could start going there everyday and see if he shows up. Oh totally off topic though but I also need to wait till I get a letter from U.A. to see if i got in! Though I'm sure I did. It couldn't be that hard, right? Shut up, stop procrastinating! Get back to the task at hand.

Ok. I'll just go to the cafe everyday and hope he shows up if he realizes (I won't make you read every indavidual day he doesn't show up when it comes to it)

Come on! I thought as I smack my face. I need to get it together! You got this, come on its still early I've got the whole day ahead of me to look forward to! I've got this! I screamed at myself in my head a little longer before getting up. I deside to put on some blue jeans and a white tank-top with a music necklass as an accessory and my tye my {hair colour) hair into a man-bun (if your hair is not long enough then just do your hair style) and with that I walk downstairs totally not ready for the day.

I wonder to the kitchen and open the fridge. 'There's to many options dammit mom whyyyyyy!' I grab two eggs and frozen bacon cracking the eggs into a oiled pan along with the bacon. Soon enough i had a seme delicious breakfast, seme delicious because I don't know how to sesen things. After I eat my seme delicious breakfast I clean up, put on my shoes and head into the outside. It sure is sunny out today. How fun.

I jog down the sidewalk 'I have totally been slacking on my exercise routine ever since the entrance exam. I'll need to catch up on my lost work' I make it to the Café and sit by the window daydreaming for about 15 minutes before I spot a Library

'I could get a book to read! I brought my wallet so I've got my library card! Alright, let's get me a good ol' book!' I walk over to the Library and grab Fantasy Adventure book with a random title 'I'll sign this out and return it when I finish it. Or when the time runs out-'

I sign the book A out with my Library card and head back to the Café. I order a new drink flavour to try something new. Alright! So now to read! A good hour goes by and no one even opens the door. What a shame, Alright I guess I'll pack up then.

I pay for my drink and leave. When I make it there my Moms home "You were gone for a while this time. What did you do?" Kaito asks "I went to the library, got a book and read it while at a Cafe mama." I finish my sentence while putting my book on the counter

"I've got a work shift at 2 pm right?" Mom nods "You do yes. Do you want anything to eat?" I shake my head "Nah, I'm good! Did you check the mail today mama? I wanna see if I got in!" I half cheer still kinda nervous

"Wow kiddo, you seem very excited!" She laughs "I did check the mail, there were a few letters to me and one, to you. Here" Kaito heads my a letter. Looks like nothing formal "Alright, thanks mom!" I walk to my room and sit at my desk. I open the letter and find a hologram piece "Hello young L/n Y/n!" A loud voice booms startling me "I am, ALL MIGHT and also here to tell you if you got in!" He shouts, loud. Why so loud? "Congratulations young L/n! You got into U.A.'s top class, class 1A! I hope to see you soon!" And the hologram shuts off. I got into class A? At U.A.?! Awesome! That's so awesome! I place the hologram on my desk and check the time 12 pm, Alright got some time to do shit. I shower and dry my hair for work, once I change into my uniform I walk back downstairs "By mama! Off to work!" She smiles at me as I leave the door "Alright, I'm off today. Have a good shift darling!" She shouts after me. I smile while closing the front door and making my way to the Mall. After like 20 I make it to work 10 minutes early. I clock in and get to work. By the time my shift ends I already set things up for the next day and closed. Tada, moving on. It takes me another 20 minutes to walk home. I open the door and crash onto the couch only to hear the soft voice of my adoptive mother "Oh, Hello Y/n. Dinners ready for you when your hungry!"

I grumble a response slowly getting up from the couch. Once I make my way to the kitchen I dish up some food and sit down at the counter to begin slowly eating the delicious food Kaito prepared. "Mama, I got into the hero course" I smile slightly at the thought "I knew you would! Congratulations hun!" She shouts making me smile a little wider. I finish my dinner and thank Kaito for it while walking back upstairs. No luck finding Todoroki today. Maybe he doesn't remember me or I'm mistaken? That's a possibility.. The Todoroki I know from the park didn't have a scar but things happen I mean. Look at me for crying out loud. Lots of shit's happened. I mean, apparently my mothers dead and my fathers in jail. That's something..

To be continued
Words: 1235

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2022 ⏰

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