2- School and Sluts yay

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Aazuria's POV

I woke up in a good mood and decided that I was going to make a impression today. I walked over to the bath, that I set up, so I could look over the ocean and clean or relax. When I finished with that I made some seafood which was shrimp and sardines. After I finished I put the dishes in the dish washer and walked back to my master bathroom it was open with large double doors that lead to a patio overlooking the ocean just like my tub. I quickly washed my teeth so they didn't smell like what I had for breakfast. I went to my walk in closet and decided on a burgundy tank with a cross necklace, with tight leather pants and greyish combat boots. For a belt I put on one that looked like there were handcuffs in front and a black studed bracelet and my final choice were black leather hand gloves that pulled the outfit together. When I finished my make-up (just black eye shadow) I walked out to see that my brothers were ready to leave and were waiting for me to finish. I was driving my custom made black and red street bike, Blake and Dylan were in there dark green Chevrolet Camero, while my oldest brother, Zech was getting on his also custom made electric blue motorcycle. They asked if I was ready and we left for the school.

When we got there everyone was staring at us with either lust or envy. I got moat of the envy from the girls, while by all the guys I got lust. With my brothers they got mostly lust from the girls. I thought it was funny when we were walking past a group of sluts and they started to push out their obviously fake boobs pulling down their shirts while at the same time they  were pulling up their way too short skirts. Walking past this I started to try to hold in the chuckles. It didn't go unnoticed by what looked like the head if the sluts group. She sneered at me like I was a disgusting piece of shit on her shoe.

She asked "What are you looking at bitch?"

My brothers started to move forward as to protect me but I stopped them.

I looked back at the slut and replied

"Obviously nothing natural or real." while seizing her up. If I was going to take her in a fight I would have to know what I was up against, whether it was a small or large fight. I could tell by her scent that she was werewolf but it seemed she didn't take the time to scent me to see if I was human. She came at me ready to slap me but I caught her wrist, much to her shock, spun her around so that her wrist was pushed at an angle and in between her shoulder blades.

I said loud enough for the onlookers to hear  "You might want to know what you're up against in a fight, so you don't make a fool of yourself again."

With that me and my smug looking brothers walked into the school to look for the office, we didn't have to look far because it was just around the corner. As we walked in I saw the secretary (which seemed to be another slut) pull down her shirt. I rolled my eyes as she asked my brothers if they needed any 'assistance' which I wanted to gag because of the second meaning in that sentence. I looked at her and said "Yeah you could help but not in the way you're thinking. We need our schedules."

Yet again I got a dirty glare from her and a reply "I was not talking to you little girl now run along."

"Listen bitch I've been here not even 30 minutes and I got into a fight already with another slut! Don't think I wont take you too!"

"Hahah you can't take me little girl. I'm way stronger than you!" She said with a sneer.

The principal decide to take his time to walk in. The secretary made it look like she hadn't just gotten into an argument with me.

He looked at me and my brothers and asked if we needed anything. I told him how we were there to get our schedules. He made the secretary print off our schedules and pushed us off.

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