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Aazuria POV

I finished my fabric and design class and packed up my stuff ready to head out and find my brother. To my surprise when I walked out of the room they were already waiting for me by the doors.

" Hey guys ready to go" I ask them

" yah lets go baby sis" replied Zech

As we walk down the hall I see my mate with another girl wrapped around his arm clinging to him. I scuff it off but inside I feel burning anger towards the slut and also sadness towards my 'mate'. My brothers see this but keep in walking while trying to keep my mind off the 'happy couple'.

When we walk into the cafeteria it became silent and everyone's eyes were in us. While most of the boy where looking at me with curiosity and lust and the girls where going between glaring with hate and envy while looking lustfully at my brothers. I laugh at how they look. I decide to have some fun and look inside there head sense I normally don't because it is a invasion of privacy but what I see made it all worth it they are all trying to fund out if what they heard about me is true.

" I wonder if she is even all that great and talented as everyone is saying"

" I don't get it she's not even pretty ,slut" okay that one was pretty funny because a slut with half her ass showing said this.

" I heard that she has a animal shelter I wonder if I might be able to get a one from her". I silently cheer for her because the animals are getting to much and they should all have a owner because there getting lonely.

" I heard the she is amazing at making clothes" okay that one freaked me out since I just got out I fabric and design class . Wow these chicks gossips fast.

My brothers and I found a table and sit. They got up and got there food and mine. When they got back I see that they got me some ravioli and bread stick with a ice cream cup yummy one of my top favorites. After we finish eating we just sit there and talk about what happens in our classes. When a group of girls came over they did not look slutty but just normal girls there were only 3 of them and they stopped in front I my and introduced them selves.

" hi I'm Jen and this is Faith and Shannon. I'm heard that you have a animal shelter and they heard you make dresses and the way people are taking about it it sound like your really talented. Sorry I'm ranting but we were wondering if we could see the animals that were able to get adopted and we were also wondering if I might ne possible that you could make us dresses for the homecoming dance." She says in a fast paste that I almost don't get it all.

"yah if you want you could come over and see the animals and while your over I can measure you for the dresses and stuff. While give you my number and text you the address" I replied haply that some if the animals might get adopted and into nice homes.

After the leave 4 girls come up to use I see that 2of the girls I've met already one is the girl that I had a fight with this morning and the other I see I the one that got on my nerves at the office, the secretary.

" Listen little bitch you don't know ego we are so back the fuck off. You think that your all that just cause your new and you think that all the guys want you and that you better than use well news flash bitch your now one I'm the queen bee here so why don't you go back to where ever the hell you came from because doll you are nothing, your lower than me and I'm better than you" she says. I laugh at what she just said

". Those are some big word for a dog like you." She pals at what I just said because half the people at this school see werewolves and she is one. Moat were the popular

"you may thinks that your above me and every one worships you sluts but there not there just afraid that your bite is word than your bark. But guess what your just a little bitch that thinks she is above everyone else and your little passé here are fake even more then Barbie and that's not a complement. So why not you just tuck your tale between your legs and scurry off back to were you belong a canal with a muzzle on so bark ip someone else tree and doll trust me your not ready to play with me."

After I say that me and my brothers who are laughing there asses off at the while thing.

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