5- diva designer

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Aazuria POV

As I was lookin for my fabric and design class I got lost and as I was rounding the corner I collided into some one and we both fell to the ground. I quickly stood up and offered the other person my hand while apologizing for not looking where I was going, just cause I'm a Badass doesn't mean I'm going to be a bitch to any one just the ones that deserves it.

"Hi I'm Aazuria". I say helping her pick up the loose peaces of paper that most have scattered when she fell to the ground.

" hi I'm Bella. And it fine I didn't see you either". She said

I quickly assess her and come to fi d that she is a werewolf and she is in a alpha family with the power and confidence she has rolling off her.

"you just wouldn't happen to know where Mrs.Kutz room is?"

"Yah actually I do I have her right know come on ill show you there"

I fallow her down the hall and through the cort yard to another building. As I keep following her we stop at a purple painted door and walk in.

As we walk in late every one turns to see how it was. The teacher comes up us and says to the girl who showed me the was and says,

" Ms. Bella Woolfblood how nice of you to join us. Detention after school today."

"But Ms.Kutz I can't stay after school I have stuff I have to do."

"well that's not my fault no is it you will stay after for detention because you do not have a legitimate reason for being late." She says

I look at Bella's face and it says o shit 💩

" Ms. Kutz, hello I'm new I stared today with my brothers."

" o yes dear I was told that I would be getting a new student today. Is there anything you nee?"

" well yes you see Bella does have a legitimate reason for being late to class and that I will admit to is my fault. You see I was trying to find the class room and I ran into her. So she agreed to show me the class after I helped her pick up her papers. So with that legitimate reason for being late then she should not have a after school detention and if you think that she should then do you not think that i should to since we were both late"

Every one stood there in silence while I kept a non emotional face strande on the teacher but I the corner of my eye I could she Bella look at me with a look of awe and giddiness

" Fine you both get off the hook this time but one more slip up between either of you to and you will be scraping the gum off of under neath the table tops"

For class we just got to do a free dat and make whatever we wanted so I made a white beaded short short dress(off to the side). When every body saw it they again gapped some even took picture and sent them to there friends. They all complemented me on the dress.

One of the girl came up to me after looking at the dress and asked if I made dresses to sell. When I told her yes and she asked if she could come over some time for me to make a dress for the homecoming dance when she asked me this it seemed to give every girl the okay to ask me if it was possible to make dresses for them so I said that it was okay bit they would have to pay. After giving them my address and phone number the bell rang and I was off to find my brothers for lunch time.

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