Chapter 5 : The Plan

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Baekhyun woke up on the seering pain of his lower back and wrist. He try to get up and sit but he is encased in a iron like arms tighten around his waist. He looks at his left and see that Chanyeol is sleeping peacefully. He can't believe that the person he like has that side and treated him harshly last night. He can't continue living like this. He must plan a way to escape from this place to a place that no one knew him and where he can starts a new. He was pulled off from his thoughts when he felt Chanyeol move. He immediately close his eyes and pretend to be asleep. Chanyeol opens his eyes and peck Baekhyun on his forehead as head to the bathroom and take his bath. Baekhyun open his eyes and looks around him. There's no way he can escape if he's lock in here. As soon as he heard the door knob turns he get lie back and pretended to sleep again. Chanyeol was wearing his robe and try to wake him up.

" Rise and shine my pretty princess! We have school today." Chanyeol says as he kiss his princess on the cheeks. Baekhyun pretended that he just woke up.

"Hmmmm! Good Morning Chanyeol! What time is it?" Baekhyun says as he pretend that he just woke up and strech his body. He try to sit up but the pain in his lower back pull him back to bed. Chanyeol saw the expression on his princess face and help him sit down and put a pillow on his back for support.

"Don't move to much princess. I know that you're still in pain because of last night and I hope that you've learned your lesson now Park Baekhyun!" Chanyeol says as he caress Baekhyuns face who shivers in his touch.

"Yes, Chanyeol!" Baekhyun says in his soft voice and look at Chanyeols eyes afraid to be punish again.

"Good! Now let me prepare you a warm bath and our breakfast so that we won't be late for school."Chanyeol says as he smile sweetly at Baekhyun before going to the bathroom. After preparing his bath Chanyeol carry him to the bathroom and told him to strip his clothes. He does as he told and Chanyeol help him to go on the bath tub. Chanyeol left him to change his clothes and prepare their food. Baekhyun enjoy his warm luxurious bath.  Once he's done he step out limping. He wipes his body with a towel and put on his robe. He walks out limping while holding to the walls for support. When he reached the
bedroom he saw that his uniform on the bed. He put on his boxer and uniform with hardship since he is still in pain. The double door of the bedroom open and Chanyeol enters as he walk towards his princess.

"Oh, you're already dress. Let's go down and eat our breakfast."Chanyeol says as he carries his princess bride style.

"Put me down Chanyeol! I can walk" Baekhyun says as Chanyeol walks down to the grand stair case.

"No, princess! You're still in pain. I'll carry you like this until we go to school." Chanyeol says.

"No! That would be too much. Please put me down all the maids are staring at us. This is embarrassing." Baekyhyun says. Chanyeol misinterpreted his words that the maids made his princess uncomfortable and spoke in a deep voice.

"All of you stop staring at my princess you're making him uncomfortable and keep your head down or else  you'll suffer the punishment." Chanyeol says with a dark voice and everyone does as he says. As they reached the dining hall, Chanyeol put his princess on the chair by the table carefully. He sat beside him and fills his plate with food.

"Here princess eat all of this so that you can gain your strength." Chanyeol says as he smile sweetly at Baekhyun while feeding him. Baekhyun accept and eats the food that Chanyeol offers him. He spoke when Chanyeol try to feed him cucumber.

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