Chapter 8 : JEJU ISLAND

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Baekhyun was frantic and walking forth and back on the living room while waiting for his two housemate. He still can't believe that he found him. As the front door open, his two house mates enter and greets him.

"We are home Baekhyun hyung!" Ten and Mark says as they both enter the house.

"You're home! I'm glad that the two of you are safe! I need to tell you two something." Baekhyun says to his two house mate with worriy evident on his voice.

"What it is Baekhyun hyung?" Ten ask. Baekhyun fish out the phone from his pocket and show them the message he received. His house mate read the message.

" I can't believe that he found  me! I need to moved out soon so that you two won't be involve in my problem. I don't want him to hurt you two! You're like my younger brothers." Baelhyun says as tears starts to fall on his eyes.

"Where are you planning to go Baekhyun hyung? Do you have a place to go?" Mark ask his hyung worriedly.

" I honestly don't know! I just don't want you two to get hurt." Baekhyun says crying. Mark and Ten look at each other.  Ten spoke what he has in his mind.

"It will be vacation soon, why don't we all go to our familys private resort in Jeju?" Ten says out of the blue.

"But how can we leave without him knowing? He must be outside right now waiting for me to step out or waiting for us to sleep to attack us!" Baekhyun ask his two housemate. Ten and Mark looks at each other with a knowing smile and looks back at Baekhyun.

"We can leave this house and go to Jeju without anyone knowing Baekhyun hyung." Mark says with a smirk.

"How is that possible?" Baekhyun ask with a puzzle look written on his face.

"Follow us hyung." Mark says as he and Ten walks to the kitchen.They walk to their kitchen and opens the door of their food pantry that has a stock full. Mark push a invisible door that cannot be seen by naked eyes and gestures the two to follow him. Once inside the light automatically opens. Mark kneels and pull the floor tile up that leads to an under ground basement. Mark steps down follow by Baekhyun and Ten. Once Ten pull the tile down the lights automatically shuts off and the light on the underground basement opens.

"What the hell! How come you have this under your house? " Baekhyun as the cousins.

"You see this is our ancestral house built by our great great great grand parents during the war. Our great great great grand father was a high ranking official on the military and he secretly built this with his comrades. This passage leads to two other houses. The first house is own by uncle Changmin, one of the highest official on the military. His house is a few miles away from here located at a exclusive village near the library and a ten minute drive to the airport. While the second house leads to uncle Yunhos house a high ranking medical official on the army which is like a few miles from here as well and a fifteen minutes drive to the bus stop or the port. " Mark explains.

Baekhyun can't believe that his best friend Chen and his two housemates family are this rich and powerful. The three never act like a spoiled brat or you can't even tell that they came from a wealthy family because they never act like one. They act as if they come from an ordinary family.  Mark fish out a phone in his pocket and dial a number.

"I'm going to call uncle Changmin to tell him the situation and ask for his help. " Mark says as he dial his uncles number and excuse himself as he walk away from the two.

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